32mm Locomotive Identification Help Needed

Colin J Camarillo

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Hey all,

I am new to G-Scale Central however i have been a garden railroader for 15 years now and I recently acquired a locomotive and am Looking for some more information on this locomotive. Can some one shed some light? This model runs on 32MM track. No manufacturer stamps or logos I even opened it to look. However there is a Made in Korea sticker on the bottom. I have been able to identify that it has been slightly modified to run on a single point to point track with a 9V battery and will switch its direction when the double pole double throw switch gets triggered by a post along the track. I have reached out to MLS.com and I was able to figure out that someone thinks is a German NS2 type Loco.IMG_0281 (2).jpg IMG_0287 (1).jpg IMG_0283.JPG IMG_0285.JPG

Also would like to know if anyone would recommend a simple sound system for this little guy.


Looks vaguely familiar but not able to put a Manufacturer to it. You could try a Myloco Sound unit for sound. Probably about the best at not too silly a price. Look at the Webb Site they do Youtube vids so that you can get a feel for what they are like. Some of the other sounds can be as much as twice the cost or more.
I've also seen something like it before somewhere; it somewhat resembles an NS2 (see https://www.google.com.au/search?q=LKM+Class+NS2+diesel&biw=1280&bih=860&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiIi5WdqaPLAhVBv5QKHdi_BIAQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1#imgrc=iGZImLyqvuHDtM:) although the bonnet is a bit different to the photos I have seen. However, the expert on this board on weird European NG diesels is James Hilton, we need to get his opinion.

To me, though, I suspect the model is from a UK cottage industry - I don't think it looks continental or US and the gauge is more common in Britain - although I can't currently narrow it down. It's not Andel, Essel or GRS I don't think but there have been a few others come and go over the years who have produced small diesels like this; or it could be a really well done scratch build on a commercial chassis. Is the body metal? The "Made in Korea" is intriguing. I'll keep scratching my head....
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I've also seen something like it before somewhere; it somewhat resembles an NS2 (see https://www.google.com.au/search?q=LKM+Class+NS2+diesel&biw=1280&bih=860&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiIi5WdqaPLAhVBv5QKHdi_BIAQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1#imgrc=iGZImLyqvuHDtM:) although the bonnet is a bit different to the photos I have seen. However, the expert on this board on weird European NG diesels is James Hilton, we need to get his opinion.

To me, though, I suspect the model is from a UK cottage industry - I don't think it looks continental or US and the gauge is more common in Britain - although I can't currently narrow it down. It's not Andel, Essel or GRS I don't think but there have been a few others come and go over the years who have produced small diesels like this; or it could be a really well done scratch build on a commercial chassis. Is the body metal? The "Made in Korea" is intriguing. I'll keep scratching my head....

Yes the entire body and chassis is made from metal. I also have some matching wagons that are entirely metal that look like the Binnie engineering Hudson tipper kits which I can send some photos of if you would like?

Thanks for the response!
Don't recognise that chassis at all - much better engineering than most of the chassis that I've seen in this scale.
The hood and front grille are very reminiscent of the Baguely Drewry (which of course it is not) at first glance, which may be why some people are thinking it looks familiar - I certainly did.

There are quite a few very, very high quality all-metal railway models made in South Korea - it's where Dingler got their locos built, and folks like L.H. Loveless get their beautiful (and expensive) Gauge 1 stuff made there.
So, while I don't recognise this one at all, it may very well be that someone had a small batch production made in one of the Korean brass factories. Not a great deal of help in actually ID'ing it I'm afraid, but it would explain the "Made in Korea" sticker.....

Pretty sure one of these popped up on the 16mm society's facebook page over the last day or 2...

'The Hornet' model of the month is a similar scratch-built diesel, but not the same.. Probably the colour caught your eye?
Mmmmm, the chassis principle is the same, but look at the bearings, and the brake detail - not the same beastie :shake::shake::shake::shake::shake:
In the MyLargeScale equivalent to this thread someone posted prototype photos of an LKM NS 2 which does indeed look like the basis for the model.
[edit] As Spoz also mentioned above[/edit]


Not yet found any references to such a model produced for large scale, the nearest I got was a shapeways 3D printing offering and a mention of a 1:35 model which has been converted to RC here:

IMG_0309.JPG IMG_0308.JPG IMG_0307.JPG This is crazy how much response that I am getting from this thread! thank you all who are helping out! I also was informed that these two beautiful Hudson Tippers came along with the original purchase. These are also all metal. I would love to find some more of the Tippers to buy if i can find matching models! if i need to post any more photos of the locomotive please let me know!

Thank you,

Nice tippers!

Busch make the whole train in HOf (z-gauge 6mm track):
Thanks for everyones help across 3 different forums,

Simon,from Anything Narrow Gauge in the UK and Peter from 7-8ths.info was able to identify the model and here it is!

These were built in Korea for a company called Car and Locomotive Shop 1/19.2mm Critter German diesel and V tip cars Brass, Factory painted. 1.25" gauge.
Attached is a plate of one of there loco’s. As far as we can tell they are now out of business.

However after researching the manufacturer Boo-Rim still has a website, but Car and Locomotive Shop is done for.

Peter discovered they were also sold by LeeTown Models 15 Adams Street, Belvidere, NJ 07823, USA. and Reviewed in Narrow Gauge & Industrial number 57, January 2004.

Thank you Simon and Peter!

- Colin

The 'collective' is greater than the sum of its' parts..
Excellent work.