A De Winton Project

Chris Bird

Steam,gardening, photography
Hi folks
After making three films of Roy Wood's De Winton, I was smitten, so when a PPS version came on the market on the South Devon Group's website, I had to have it.
My modest conversion programme was not without its problems as you can read here:
And yesterday I made a little film. My railway is in rampant growth and the self sown Euphorbias give it a bit of a tropical jungle look in places. The very heavy logs on my GP wagons are from sustainable sources ;-)
You can see it here:
For those who don't like videos, here is a photo of the loco.
PS My apologies that the videos do not play on my website at present - the web host has screwed something in the software.....:(
Another great video Chris. You have done wonders with that locomotive. Most impressive. The driver is a perfect match.
The appearance of the loco has been improved 10 fold Chris:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: , I am finding 7/8ths stuff so tempting.
Love the vid.
Love the loco.
I want one. :)
Thanks for the kind words guys - it is a fun loco and I have really enjoyed fiddling and modifying it :)
The nice thing about this loco is that it is all so simple and most of my mods are reversible in a few minutes. Not that I plan to of course!
Thanks Shawn - the railway is at its best at the moment with everything fresh and green - I guess yours is too. I have attached a photo of a particularly green (and maroon) part of the railway.
Regarding the De Winton, I should like to be a fly on the wall when you put the case for a new loco and a change of scale to the management.....:D