A little WD Baldwin

Chris Bird

Steam,gardening, photography
Hi folks
Last week, after we had finished filming my old, and slightly tricky Merlin Mayflower, Roy Wood decided to relax and so steamed his Accucraft WD Baldwin. It ran so smoothly and calmly that I grabbed my camera and trusty bean bag and did a little filming.
You can see the result here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMmQ4_Pb99k
And on my website as usual
Oooh the delight .....Chris, it is superb.

I would love to go to the deep, dank and steamy side but I fear that my massive inclines on my layout would mean that running trains like yours are totally out of the question (over 10 -13% in places...I have to triple-head big diesels or use motorised helper cars for decent trains!).

But I take the pleasure in seeing other chaps doing it in style....like yourself!
A super film Chris , I really enjoyed it, I seriously consdered buying one when the second batch became available, but as I said at the time only the fact that the real ones were supposed to be pants put me off.
Thanks guys - glad you enjoyed it:)

I have known this loco from new, when it was tricky to say the least, but careful running in and the essential radio control on the regulator has made it a real pleasure to run. The boiler is small though and needs regular topping up to avoid disaster.... Roy loves it - but I have never beed tempted......

Beavercreek - I thought East Anglia was flat! With grades like that, steamers would struggle for sure, but boy would they sound good:D Maybe inviting some steamers to try it out might answer the question.....
Nice one Chris....
Nice, Chris! You are not tempted to own one? The 4-6-0 wheel arrangement is fairly unusual in a LS model... I get about 25 minutes run time on my WD Baldwin, especially with an improved pop valve from WeeBee Loco. Also installed one of your magnificent Chuffers - she sounds off well! Still a manual engine, but intend to R/C it someday. Mine runs on 45mm track, it needed some careful file work for the front truck to clear the cylinders.
Cheers, Jim B.
Thanks Jim! And no, I have to admit that I am not really tempted, even though it is a fine loco - there are too many others I want:)
I can see Roy's loco pretty much anytime I want and I do know that the R/C transformed the loco for Roy - just single channel on the regulator was pretty simple I gather.

I do rather fancy a US outline loco though - I must have been watching too many videos :D