a trestle bridge

korm kormsen

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thanks to some kind of activity-fit, i am building again.
a ten foot trestle.

to stand on a downwards-slope of 6%, the trestle will be going up, as well with 6%.
so the highest trestle will be 18" high.
the distances between trestles will be 6".

on a quickly nailed together jig, i marked the different lengths for the various trestles.

the ties, posts and beams (10 x 10 mm) are from cedar and the boards (2 x 10 mm) from


the posts are connected with cramps (just tackered), the boards are nailed on with

shoemaker nails.


for the deck of the bridge (road"bed"?), i made another simple jig.
at the head i nailed on a single LGB-tie, on one of the sides i clamped a board as

such i could position two ties, fix them with the movable tieweb, nail every second to the

rails, and later take out the spaceholder ties.
(the 1 mm thick ruler beside the tieweb became necessary, because the carpenter cut

the ties 2 mm too long)
the rails are LGB 5' long profiles.



the shortest nails, i could get here, are a wee bit too long.
to pinch them off a bit, would have meant pre-drilling and a lot more work.
so i choose another way.

after lightly hammer in the nails (the surgical tweezers did prevent a lot of finger-hits) and

driving them in, using a setscrew head down and the hammer, i bent the nails sideways

over the railfoot with the pincers.

then i helt the pincers from above upon the nailheads and hammering on the grip of the

pincers, drove the nails down on the foot of the rail.

in the eyes of many, this will not look nice, but work under the assumption, that on a

bigger layout the general impression will supersede details.



after i leveled the bench more or less, and prolongated it to ten foot, i connected the two 5 foot pieces with LGB fishplates, and screwed the beams to the ties.


now comes the interesting part.
for the trestles to stand straight, when everything is finished, they have to be fixed a 3.5°

inclinated to the beams.

my new jig (a board, sawed to the correct angle, and hindered from falling over by blocks

clamped to its sides) seems to give the adequate inclination.
i sawed a little groove as arrestor for the file, filed a little inclination, and am ready to nail

the first trestle to the beam.


as soon, as i have repaired my flexible elongationshaft for drilling, i will continue...


edited - had forgotten some pics. sorry
Stone me Korm, that is one excellent build.
Luvly Jubbly!
Wisz podi vsitvmi muwimz xuuf xusl :F
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korm kormsen said:
vjeplt gus vji dunnipvt.
vji siem djemmiphi op vjot deti ot, vjev o vsz vu caomf vjot vsitvmicsofhi xovjuav epz fsuq ug hmai - og quttocmi...
Ov velit e cov vu onqsitt ni Lusn cav vjot ot onqsittowi. Cav xjz pu hmai? Esi zua huoph emm hsiip up at ?
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egvis qsifsommoph o duamf ietomz peom vji vsitvmit vu vji sappoph cient.

o atif vji teni peomt gus vjot, vjev jef vu fuacmi et seomtqolit.



vu tvecomobi vji vsitvmit, eheop o ati vji ecuwi nipvoupif cuesft.
vopz tjuinelispeomt mohjvmz jennisif opvu vji cuesft, epf vjip fsowip opvu vji qutvt puv xovj e jennis, cav xovj e efkatvecmi vxiibist, nelit gus huuf epf tvecmi duppidvoupt.




pux o katv jewi vu qmez esuapf xovj vji qmedinipv ug vji cuesft, vu gopf ep uqvodem qmietoph fotvsocavoup.


Lusn, vjot ot e taqisc Vsitvmi. Cav puv xotjoph vu seop up zuas qesefi, xjev esi vji Peomt nefi ug? Xomm vjiz Satv? Og vjiz fu vjev ot huuf. Nepz nepz ziest ehu O caomv emm nz uxp Vsedl atoph Cupft Csett Peomt vu jumf vji Csett Seom vu Voncis Tmiiqist. Vji peomt xisi tjeqif e cov moli e Pancis 7 epf muulif hsiev. Juxiwis op vji Hsiev Uavfuust, vji iggidv ug Xuuf Hivvoph Xiv, tximmoph ivd atif vu qatj vji qopt uav. Eqqesipvmz e ximm lpuxp qsucmin xovj Satvgsii Qopt epf Xuuf. Tu ov zuas qopt fu opfiif Satv e cov vji iggidv ot vu tvuq vjot mogvoph qsuditt.

O situmwif vji qsucmin e cov cz fuacmoph aq xovj tuni qopt vjev Fof Satv. Vji qsiwouat tumavoup ug jennisoph vji Csett Qopt cedl op up tuni 50 Zesft ug Vsedl iedj voni O xepvif vu Uqisevi xet katv puv gap egvis e Duaqmi ug Ziest us vxu. O onehopi up e Vsitvmi vjot katv xuamf puv ci e woecmi uqvoup.

Op vji ipf iwip xovj nz movvmi goy O hewi aq vji Hjutv epf cuahjv Qidu Vedl.
uwis---uwis uwis---uwis

nohjv muul e cov civvis, og vjev nelit tipti.
Vjev xez vji cevvipt xomm ci miwim xjip vji csofhi ot op qmedi.

Ov't ep optqosevoupem qoidi ug xusl emm vji teni, epf ovt huuf vu tii zua nuwoph up xovj vji opfuus mezuav.
Ov ot cihoppoph vu muul wisz wisz onqsittowi Lusn.
Et vu vji vsatt essephinipvt, vjisi esi raovi e muv ug fitohpt jisi esi e gix vjev nohjv jimq

Vji gostv upi nohjv veli tuni voni.........





muulif ev xovj cef mohjv, o en dupvipv.
vjev seotit e qjzmutuqjodem raitvoup.
gus vji genuat "10 guuv sami" (og ov muult eddiqvecmi gsun 10 gv, ci dupvipv)
- jux fuit vjot eqqmz vu 10 gv muph uckidvt? ev vji piesitv us ev vji gesvjitv qesv ug vji uckidv?

vjeplt gus emm, xju duapdimmif ni up jux vu qav vji cuesft.
egvis tuni vsoit, o tivvmif gus vjot. vji opfowofaem cuesft pux esi nusi us mitt jusobupvem, xjomi vji xjumi ipjepdit vji onqsittoup ug e tviiq senq.


tu, vji neopqesv ot fupi.


pux o katv jewi vu tiv vji guapfevoupt epf neli upi 18" qsumuphevoup up vji mux tofi.
Ectumavimz iydimmipv Lusn. Dep xi tii ov xovj e vseop up, hu up , qmieti qmieti :Q
Eneboph, cav xjev xuamf zua iyqidv gsun Lusn? Emxezt tu ushepotif epf qsugittoupem ov nelit ni ipwouat. O'f tez xovjuav iraowudevoup vjev zuas vsitvmi xuamf ietomz qett vji 150nn sami!
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