The picture was taken a couple of years ago in a Gauge 3 members garden. It is not a huge garden but large enough to accommodate 22.5 scale locos running on 14 ' radius curves.
All the engines in the scene are coal fired and are mostly made by the members themselves or for the members by enthusiasts working on a commission basis.
The engine on the turntable is a Great Northern (Ireland) 4-4-0 which will run out of the yard and pick up it's train down the line in the station area.
The big Southern Railway N15 King Arthur class is a Don Young design and an LNER B17 Sandringham class behind it on the shed road. This was built by Mike Pavie and painted by Brian Badger.
The next engine out to run on the main line (double track) is being coaled up on the left of the picture and is an LMS Horwich mogul in BR livery
The green NE (Wordsall) Atlantic on the next road to the 'Arthur has a long history and was built by a member's father before WW2. It has probably had it's boiler replaced in the last ten years!
The you tube video shows yet another British engine, an LMS 4F at another G3 venue. [I...12/fea8a7cd49e740cd917c44801d54a807.jpg[/IMG]
All the engines in the scene are coal fired and are mostly made by the members themselves or for the members by enthusiasts working on a commission basis.
The engine on the turntable is a Great Northern (Ireland) 4-4-0 which will run out of the yard and pick up it's train down the line in the station area.
The big Southern Railway N15 King Arthur class is a Don Young design and an LNER B17 Sandringham class behind it on the shed road. This was built by Mike Pavie and painted by Brian Badger.
The next engine out to run on the main line (double track) is being coaled up on the left of the picture and is an LMS Horwich mogul in BR livery
The green NE (Wordsall) Atlantic on the next road to the 'Arthur has a long history and was built by a member's father before WW2. It has probably had it's boiler replaced in the last ten years!
The you tube video shows yet another British engine, an LMS 4F at another G3 venue. [I...12/fea8a7cd49e740cd917c44801d54a807.jpg[/IMG]