Accucraft 'Big Boy' - live steam!

Hugh Napier

Accucraft (US) have just released this video of their new 'Big Boy' running at McClellan CA: Fun! Hugh
Very nice, but pushing £6grand.......ouch!
Think I'd prefer something I could get into and drive for that kind of money.
Impressive (size-wise) but I noticed the pony truck didn't ride well.
Did anyone else notice the rear set of drivers seemed to be spinning faster than the fronts? Do the Big Boys operate as a Compound?
trammayo said:
Impressive (size-wise) but I noticed the pony truck didn't ride well.
While the camera work was pretty good, I reckon that was a fairly rough turnout that caused that pony truck to ride up like that - the back to back probably not right :onphone:
The track was pretty rough by the look of it! I gather that Accucraft have increased the front spring rate to improve the "steering" of the leading bogie.

Very nice but no good on my R3 curves :bigsmile:
V nice model but there are a few dodgy moments with the front bogie, on several occasions both wheels on one side lift off the track.Personally I wouldn't have chanced running at that speed on a raised track. A fall would be verr costly.
GRS at Princes Risborough had an electric version for sale (at £4150 I think) when I visited a week or so ago. They have a real presence, but the prices mean I will have to stick with the MTH versions. My Big Boy has had a few electrical issues recently that have kept her off the tracks this summer, so yet to run on my newly laid home tracks so this photo was taken on a visit to Fundenhall.
I'd like the USAT electric version as it is just as big as the Accucraft version but a better price and more robust, that is if I ever get a track big enough to run it on!
PaulRhB said:
The USA trains one is bigger as it's 1/29 while the Accucraft ones are scale for the track ;) the USA trains one weighs an absolute ton! And they both recommended and run ok on 10ft radius but wear the track a bit.

I can quite believe that the USAT version would almost need a crane to lift it as I have one of their dockyeard switchers and that ways much more than LGB locos twice the size.