Accucraft IOM No 6 'Peveril' : the finished model

Sea Lion


And here we are then, the finished pre-production sample, with many thanks to everyone who has had input into this model.

As many of you know No 6 was a Peel engine, and so naturally she is very close to my heart. I reckon all she needs now is a bit of dirt throwing over her ;-)

Happy steamings,

Very nice :bigsmile:
Sea Lion said:

And here we are then, the finished pre-production sample, with many thanks to everyone who has had input into this model.

As many of you know No 6 was a Peel engine, and so naturally she is very close to my heart. I reckon all she needs now is a bit of dirt throwing over her ;-)

Happy steamings,

Wash yer mouth out with soap John!! ;) Seriously proper weathering rather than dirtwould be well worthwhile.
She's bootiful :)

As for price & goingroundintightcircles ability, it's up on John's website at a gnat's whisker over £1k. Min radius isn't on there, but I'd guess it's about the same as Caledonia- "This loco will handle a 2'6" radius curve on well laid track at slow speed with care".
brianthesnail96 said:
She's bootiful :)

As for price & goingroundintightcircles ability, it's up on John's website at a gnat's whisker over £1k. Min radius isn't on there, but I'd guess it's about the same as Caledonia- "This loco will handle a 2'6" radius curve on well laid track at slow speed with care".
Yes she's a beaut!
I'd have perhaps expected it to do slightly better on the bends, Matt, as the four drivers are much closer together than the outer set on Cally (allowing that there's sufficient side play on the pony). having said that 2' 6" is still fairly tight.
That was my first thought Bob, then I thought about how tight that actually is... I suspect the recommended minimum is about the same, but she cope with it a little easier than Caley. Pure guesswork though!
I think the issue will be the front truck, and how far it will swing - it looks as if the wheels will JUST clear the cylinders, but there is a pin and spring working in a slot for suspension, which will limit the swing. We'll know soon enough.

Should I, shouldn't I....&:

Nah, I want an Ailsa green one.
Shush, GHWood'll come down north and kill me dead!

Of course Hutchy in blue would need the ugly cab too. Maybe I'll do the to a Mannin when she comes out?????:rolf:
Be worth it just to see GHW's expression (preferably from a safe distance...)
She looks a real beauty, speaking of GH Wood I expressed an interest in one what seems like an age ago, does anyone know if that is ever going to be built , or wasn't there enough interest?
garrymartin said:
She looks a real beauty, speaking of GH Wood I expressed an interest in one what seems like an age ago, does anyone know if that is ever going to be built , or wasn't there enough interest?
Would that be Mannin you expressed an interest in a while ago? it has gone all quiet.
Accucrafts website has no mention of it now. They say that Pevril will not be repeated when its run has finished, are they going to do the other two locos that were originally released a few years ago as live steam models, I think they wre Loch and Mona?
Thats a pity:crying::crying:
Trackshack does, Accucraft makes no mention of it. Wasn't Mannin going to be in the Red livery, whilst GH Wood was going to be in Brunswick Green :love:, hence my interest as she would fit in with my other stuff in that livery, :thinking: Oh well wait & see .:bigsmile:
I reckon you must be thinking of Mannin Garry, to my rusty memory G H Wood has never been open for expressions of interest. We had agreed Mannin should be offered in Deep Brunswick Green as well as Indian Red, and yes very nice it would be too. Mannin is still on the 'to do list' but won't necessarily be the next one out.

You will often see projects open for 'expressions of interest' on the TrackShack website long before they ever get announced by Accucraft as going into production, and of course not everything does get produced in the end, although most things do - eventually.

We will have to wait and see what goes into production next, and what colours will be offered, although now more than ever we should remember to vote with our feet (or mouse). All production is obviously demand driven, and if demand for any project is not proven it will not be made.

Something about a bird in the hand being worth 2 in the bush comes to mind?

Happy steamings,
