Accucraft Leader Radio Control


Does anybody have any advice / experience of adding r/c to a Leader? I am only looking to control the regulator only and would like to know which servo to use and how to fit it.

Hi Peter, I fitted R/C to an Excelsior, some time ago. Slightly different I know, but perhaps not greatly. The battery pack I squeezed under the floor and the Rx in the rear bunker, which if my memory serves, you don't have. I also fitted servos to both the regulator and the reverser. The regulator one is also under the floor to the rear of the battery and the other in the right-hand cab-side bunker. For some unknown reason I didn't photograph the job (very unusual for me). I used a Radio-link T4UE Tx and Rx, but cant see any I.D on the servos, except the whole lot came from Giant Cod (now Giant Shark), so perhaps not a lot of help for the moment.

I recently updated the R/C on my Accucraft Caradoc - the old 40mhz kit was removed and replaced with an Orange RX 6 channel receiver - the 'guts' were removed from the case and wrapped in cling film, followed by shrink-wrap to reduce the bulk; once the servos were set up and plugged in, the whole lot was covered in more cling film to prevent any contact with metal parts of the loco.
The short wire aerials stick out of the end at right angles and these were also shrink wrapped. The receiver and battery pack both fit in the under-cab box.
I used the original no-name servo on the reverser and a TowerPro MG90 on the regulator. This lies on its side, with the movement acting parallel to the regulator and is bonded (with 3M VHB Acrylic double-sided tape 4611f - the same as used to bond dashcams to windscreens, amazing stuff!) to a piece of thin brass that wraps around the body and shares the step bolts.
Servo arms I had; these were DuBro DUB934, which are nice and long so you can get some travel on the regulator.
The actuating rod is ball+socket at the regulator end and a carbon-fibre clevis on the servo end. I replaced the Accucraft 'Camping-Gaz' style knobs with more pleasing brass levers from David Trelfer, and drilled the regulator lever to take the ball part of the actuation mechanism.
Transmitter is a Spektrum Dx4e which leaves me a couple of channels free for whistle and lights, when I get around to it......
Costwise? Transmitter from eBay, £15,00, receiver a tenner, servo a fiver and a 2x2 NiMh battery @ eight quid. The charger 11.50. Add maybe £1 to cover threaded rod, + shrink wrap and a kiss for my wife for graciously allowing me to plunder some cling-film and that is a pretty low-budget installation that does the trick.

