Accucraft NG16 Garratt


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It is a shame that some early owners decided to sell or 'trade' in what has turned out to be a very desirable live steam model.
Some well documented modifications have made to the engine and it now steams well and is 'easy to drive' and very predictable.

RC is a useful addition to my own Garratt although it could be 'hands on' with the raised tracks where I normally run.
Everything fits OK into the large cab and links in with the regulator, forward and reverse and a low throaty whistle.

On the you tube video you will see that there is no shortage of steam. I do not run with the gas fired burners on high. Personally I think that if they are noisy then they need turning down. I always use a good quality sparking gun when lighting through the smoke box door and this virtually guarantees that you will get both burners alight immediately
My Garratt will run for 30 minuets without having to use the 'goodall' although one is fitted to the water feed on top of the boiler.
I see nervous drivers topping up after 10 mins. into their run and then wonder why the pressure has dropped!
The gas tank is generous enough to last for that 30 minute run, though I do confess to 'top up' after initial steam has been raised and before you leave the yard. I never top up or refill on the main line. You may have spirit or coal fired loco coming by in the opposite direction.
If you have ever had a gas cannister ignite you will know what I mean
One further comment on the video. There is a section of running track when the engine sounds that it has a 'chuffer fitted.
This is not so. The wheels of the leading vehicle are touching the chairs. (something else to fix!)

Hi Casey. I still have a running meet on the occasional Thursday.
Any chance of getting time off and getting to one for a steam up?
Alas it seems that the NG16 is becoming a victim of its own success, being hard to obtain and holding their value, it seems that some unscrupulous people have decided that they are a suitable vehicle for scamming folk online. Recently one has been appearing on auction sites for prices ranging from £1500 to £1800 but when prospective buyers seek to view the loco the vendors suddenly go quiet.... Caveat emptor! Here's a recent example:

That same loco is for sale on the 16mm Garratt site for £3500 (though the site is woefully out of date).

I picked up on one of these scams some time back and posted on here somewhere.