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Dear Friends of mine who are railway lovers,
I have some exciting, opportune news!
I have made a request to Accucraft UK, manufacturer of incredible live steam locomotives, to create a 15mm to 1 foot (1:20.3 Scale) 45mm gauge (Gauge One) live steam model of the long scrapped Manx Northern Railway locomotives built by Sharp, Stewart & Co. of Manchester, No. 1 Ramsey, and No. 2 Northern. I told them they would be a wonderful compliment to the other Isle of Man Railway locos they have made thus far.
Incredibly, they have kindly given me this response. I have bolded the most exciting portion you shall soon see!
Mason, Hi! Thank you for your suggestion, the 'Sharpies' are indeed attractive little engines but yours is the first request we have had to make an example which might give you a clue to their 'popularity' as such. In light of this I am afraid they are not very high on our list of IoM locomotives, especially given that we have 'Caledonia' to represent the MNR.
However, never say "never" - if you can find fifty like-minded folk we'll happily make you a batch! ;-)
Regards, Graham.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mason Allen Buskirk
Sent: 18 July 2015 03:54
To: Info
Subject: Website Enquiry
From: Mason Allen Buskirk
Dear Sir or Madam of Accucraft UK Ltd.,
I am an admirer of your fantastic models, in both live steam and electric, of British locomotives and rolling stock, and especially your stable of locos and rolling stock of the Isle of Man Railway. Your live steam models of Peveril, Caledonia, and Mannin, are without parallel for their crisp appearances, detailing, and performance for commercially produced models of Manx prototypes. I would like to suggest, so as to compliment the line of locos from the IOMR you have made thus far, that you would manufacture a live steam model of one of the 2-4-0T locos (Ramsey (No. 1) and Northern (No. 2)) built by Sharp, Stewart & Co. of Manchester for the Manx Northern Railway in 1879. These engines, of course, are no longer with us, unlike the IOM Beyer Peacock locos, and to have a live steam model of this MNR engine (of which no commercially produced models are known to exist) would be a welcomed sight indeed. Dimensions of these engines are available in The Isle of Man Railway by James I. C. Boyd, along with photographs of them in service. I thank you for your kind consideration of my suggestion for a suitable future engine for you to produce, and I wish you well upon your consideration of the feasibility to produce this engine.
Mason Allen Buskirk
That's right! We only need fifty (50) individuals to each send emails to Accucraft UK… by going to "Contact Us" in order for this lovely engine to be made! Normally, such would take perhaps a thousand or ten thousand for a manufacturer to consider the viability of making a new loco, which makes this a considerably rare opportunity! Please contact as many other railway lovers as you can find, to make the same request, even if they know little of the Isle of Man Railway! If they don't, there are plenty of sites for them to learn of the Isle of Man Railway and instantly become fascinated by it! Plenty can be found of Accucraft's other, previously made IoM locos as well! Please comment so that I know how many are interested in the idea. Also, please participate in the poll I have posted below, so that we can measure how close we are to this easily achievable goal of making this live steam model a reality!
Manx Northern Railway No. 2 by SteamRailwayCompany
Please be so kind as to make a request via email to Accucraft…, and together, we can make this engine relive again in live steam no less overnight! Thank you so much for your great help!
I have also written to the editor of Garden Rail, who shall publish this matter in the September issue! Please look out for that!
Dear Friends of mine who are railway lovers,

I have some exciting, opportune news!
I have made a request to Accucraft UK, manufacturer of incredible live steam locomotives, to create a 15mm to 1 foot (1:20.3 Scale) 45mm gauge (Gauge One) live steam model of the long scrapped Manx Northern Railway locomotives built by Sharp, Stewart & Co. of Manchester, No. 1 Ramsey, and No. 2 Northern. I told them they would be a wonderful compliment to the other Isle of Man Railway locos they have made thus far.
Incredibly, they have kindly given me this response. I have bolded the most exciting portion you shall soon see!
Mason, Hi! Thank you for your suggestion, the 'Sharpies' are indeed attractive little engines but yours is the first request we have had to make an example which might give you a clue to their 'popularity' as such. In light of this I am afraid they are not very high on our list of IoM locomotives, especially given that we have 'Caledonia' to represent the MNR.
However, never say "never" - if you can find fifty like-minded folk we'll happily make you a batch! ;-)
Regards, Graham.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mason Allen Buskirk
Sent: 18 July 2015 03:54
To: Info
Subject: Website Enquiry
From: Mason Allen Buskirk
Dear Sir or Madam of Accucraft UK Ltd.,
I am an admirer of your fantastic models, in both live steam and electric, of British locomotives and rolling stock, and especially your stable of locos and rolling stock of the Isle of Man Railway. Your live steam models of Peveril, Caledonia, and Mannin, are without parallel for their crisp appearances, detailing, and performance for commercially produced models of Manx prototypes. I would like to suggest, so as to compliment the line of locos from the IOMR you have made thus far, that you would manufacture a live steam model of one of the 2-4-0T locos (Ramsey (No. 1) and Northern (No. 2)) built by Sharp, Stewart & Co. of Manchester for the Manx Northern Railway in 1879. These engines, of course, are no longer with us, unlike the IOM Beyer Peacock locos, and to have a live steam model of this MNR engine (of which no commercially produced models are known to exist) would be a welcomed sight indeed. Dimensions of these engines are available in The Isle of Man Railway by James I. C. Boyd, along with photographs of them in service. I thank you for your kind consideration of my suggestion for a suitable future engine for you to produce, and I wish you well upon your consideration of the feasibility to produce this engine.
Mason Allen Buskirk
That's right! We only need fifty (50) individuals to each send emails to Accucraft UK… by going to "Contact Us" in order for this lovely engine to be made! Normally, such would take perhaps a thousand or ten thousand for a manufacturer to consider the viability of making a new loco, which makes this a considerably rare opportunity! Please contact as many other railway lovers as you can find, to make the same request, even if they know little of the Isle of Man Railway! If they don't, there are plenty of sites for them to learn of the Isle of Man Railway and instantly become fascinated by it! Plenty can be found of Accucraft's other, previously made IoM locos as well! Please comment so that I know how many are interested in the idea. Also, please participate in the poll I have posted below, so that we can measure how close we are to this easily achievable goal of making this live steam model a reality!
Manx Northern Railway No. 2 by SteamRailwayCompany

This is the official Works Photograph of Manx Northern Railway No. 2 Northern.
The two Sharp engines were basically the same, with minimal differences which Accucraft could easily replicate.
The livery of these engines was MNR Tuscan Red (Dark Claret) with black lining with a thin vermilion line each side. Chimney caps were copper, and the domes were polished brass when new, later painted.
If you like, I can show you more photographs of these engines.
The two Sharp engines were basically the same, with minimal differences which Accucraft could easily replicate.
The livery of these engines was MNR Tuscan Red (Dark Claret) with black lining with a thin vermilion line each side. Chimney caps were copper, and the domes were polished brass when new, later painted.
If you like, I can show you more photographs of these engines.
Please be so kind as to make a request via email to Accucraft…, and together, we can make this engine relive again in live steam no less overnight! Thank you so much for your great help!
I have also written to the editor of Garden Rail, who shall publish this matter in the September issue! Please look out for that!