Anniversary Steam up

New Haven Neil 2

As mentioned in the coffee lounge, today is our wedding anniversary, and I had the afternoon to myself really after doing the dutiful husband thing this morning and you know what free time on a dry day means....:bigsmile:

First off shed was the Baldwin 'Lhen' (named after a nearby river - well, drainage channel!) showing off her new crests done by Chris Moxham.

Also new is this Isle of Man 'E' van, scratchbuilt by Mike, GHWood. The figure was done by him too. Cheer Mike, great job! :thumbup:
The Baldwin is now settling down nicely, had a few derailment issues to fettle, some little adjustments filing a bit off here and there got her around our curves!

There was a very colonial feel on shed this morning, first thing....
The Fowler was on the next train, she ran beautifully as usual, and as the rail was clean after the winter's rains she puled the same heavy train - she slips a lot when the rails are greasy, as she's light.

The little Kerr-Stuart was then out for a run, and managed the same train, but was really on her limits of adhesion on the 1 in 40, this is a game little loco which runs very steadily (JR will love his!).
I was on a roll out came Dubh Lacha, a Mortimer class, and she had a bash at this train (5 Accu 4 wheelers, a 'pairs', an L&B bogie brake and the E van - heavy load of 20 axles on our grades!) and ran very well, I have fitted a gauze to the burner on this loco now and it is much quieter and steams great.

The last train of the day was hauled by Breeshey (pronounced 'Breesh-ah' - a Manx name) which ran like a Roundhouse...cos she is! This loco runs like a Swiss watch, very smooth and controllable.
yb281 said:
A very happy anniversary to you and Deb mate, although I won't ask what "duties" you had to see to this morning??? :love::love:

Anyhoo, great looking trains. I'd stick with the unlined black on the Baldwin personally. Those BR ish crests are brilliant. :thumbup::thumbup:

What do you think long time married couples get up to? It was shopping.......:rolf::@ :thumbdown:
As for the crests - yes, Mocco's good... I'm impressed.

I should also mention the plates are by Narrow Planet, happy to give him a plug, they're top class.

I am getting to like the plain black look, but that lined one on Geoff Munday's site looks good too. Still need some numbers, BR style cream I think, she's 14 in the L&L Roster, may do a BR style job though, as we're north west here, maybe a midland region number? 4?014 ??
New Haven Neil 2 said:
Still need some numbers, BR style cream I think, she's 14 in the L&L Roster, may do a BR style job though, as we're north west here, maybe a midland region number? 4?014 ??

Since it's a 2-4-2, it's probably a narrow gauge version inspired by the famous Lancs & Yorks Railway Aspinall tanks. How about 50920 (the next number after the final Aspinall loco!)?
Great idea, I wasn't thinking about the 5 series numbers for pre-groupling locos. D'oh. It has to have 14 in it though, as it's fleet number. Soooo, do I go with already allocated 50914, or what about 51014? Mm, that feels as if it has been used somehow, L&Y loco? ah, 51212 is what is in my mind. - anyone got a really old combined volume!!!!
Ahh, I hadn't realised that- Happy Anniversary Mister Neil & Deb :)

Noice photos. Like the crests on the Baldwin- I see what you mean about them being a bit different :bigsmile:
Very nice photo's Neil:bigsmile:
New Haven Neil 2 said:
Great idea, I wasn't thinking about the 5 series numbers for pre-groupling locos. D'oh. It has to have 14 in it though, as it's fleet number. Soooo, do I go with already allocated 50914, or what about 51014? Mm, that feels as if it has been used somehow, L&Y loco? ah, 51212 is what is in my mind. - anyone got a really old combined volume!!!!
Happy anniversary Neil.
No old combined but try this site 510...tly larger gap (+40000) post nationalisation.
Congratulations on the anniversary Neil.
Congradulations on the crest, they do look good.
And congradulations on a good steam up.
Congratulations all round it is then :bigsmile: