Another shuttle into a double reverse loop....Mmmm this one may be difficult.


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A year or two ago I converted my `Local line` shuttle point to point, to be able to run DCC. My `Main Line` had already had that option for a couple of years.
This conversion of the `local` line also brought about a double reverse loop.
The space at either end placed a restriction on the radius of the reverse section and It had to incorporate R1 curves.
It works fine after changing one of the Massoth reverse loop modules as it had become erratic.

So now I have turned my attention to the final bastion of DC power on my layout...the `Quarry` section.
This is a self contained part of the layout, operating as a shuttle point to point as it follows a double spiral path.

quarry line from above.jpg

There is the option of it remaining as a shuttle but under DCC control. This could be done by Massoth feedback module or by the Tam Valley DCC shuttle unit (with the DCC booster to give the power needed by G scale).....


Another double reverse loop....

One end is going to be fairly easy with just a rejigging of the present curve at allow the completion of the loop....the problem is that at the other end where the line is elevated some 9 inches along the rear retaining wall and comes to a stop at that level.
So it would have to remain at that level, curve around over the packing plant and lower level track to rejoin itself along the wall.
This is feasible but to make it look good (Trestles would be good but there is not enough room at the front)......, not overpower the packing plant and allow the trains to flow unhindered underneath it...this is the challenge......mmmmmmmmm is it worth it!!!?

Rough ideas.....

possible reverse looping from above.jpg

plan of elevated reverse loop over packing plant..jpg

I think I prefer the idea of just installing a DDC shuttle system. It looks a great scene now in the photo, you'd have to work hard not to spoil it I feel :)
Hey, that's one damned good looking railway there.

I'll pass on the thread question, at the moment, but I have experience, and have been consulted on, reverse loops for track power. Nothing's impossible, key thing is getting the switching right, and establishing robust operating procedures. I'll follow up when the boss isn't looking over my shoulder..... :tmi:
Nice railway. You have plenty of action going on in a limited space.
I think the key to your plan is how the stilts would appear Mike especially in relation to the plant building.
If they look integrated and engineered to match the building it would look great.
Although this is an old thread, there is a little update...
I decided not to double loop it but......

I have finally bitten the bullet and converted the last section of my layout, ('The Quarry' self contained DC shuttle line shown in post 1) to DCC using a Tam Valley DCC shuttle unit together with their DCC booster (this allows G scale power and voltage of 22V at 5amps).
My whole layout can now run DCC (as well as DC if wanted)
The Tam Valley unit does not require a central station (it uses small plug-in power supplies) and will automatically operate any loco of address 0-99 (4 digit addresses can be used using an optional lcd screen address programmer).
For the DCC booster, I use a 150W universal laptop supply set to 20v (at a cost of £10 from Amazon)

The two units are compact and easy to put in a small enclosure.

Although the shuttle loco is not controlled by the handset (Massoth Navigator in my case) the ease of use advantages of the Tam Valley unit over a Massoth Feedback unit for DCC shuttling are:
1) There is no CV programming required and it automatically accepts any loco address up to 99. (or 4 digit addresses with optional lcd screen)
2) Besides the two gaps in the track that is required, there is no need for magnets or track contacts
3) The speed of the loco can be altered by the speed knob on the unit
4) The time of journey and 'rest' at each end are controlled by knobs on the dial
5) A mid-stop (or 'station' stop) can also be easily added using more rail gaps.

Similar properties to a Massoth feedback module.....
1) The Tam Valley unit can operate other DCC accessory units to operate points etc so that the loco can shuttle to different paths each time
2) The loco 'rest' sounds and lights carry on at each end.
3) It also allows acceleration and deceleration to be programmed into the loco decoder (as long as the end sections are long enough).

I bought mine from Coastal DCC in UK
Tam Valley's website......

It works great....... as long as you don't have a mouse eating through one of your end-gap detecting feeds....which happened to me the night before my open day!!!

How the DCC booster (to give the power and voltage necessary for G scale) is hooked up to the shuttle unit (it shows a 16V power supply but a 22v or higher one is perfectly fine)

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This is such incredible good looking!!!! No idea about your electrical problem, but I LOVE the looks of this layout!

Thank you for the encouraging comment Henri.
This is the self-contained 'Quarry' section. The other parts for the layout are not in view but pass close by to the quarry on the side behind the spikey 'Phormium' plant
If you would like to see more, please do visit the Beaver Creek Railroad facebook page