Another tank car in service


Model Railroading, boats and oil painting,
Country flag
Waiting for bits to finish my combine another two freight cars came through the post that I ordered, one tank and a stock car and as the local model shop did not have any strip styrene stock I needed for the stock car build I hit the tank first. The frame widened and beefed up but the tank left as is so now almost done, some more lettering to go on, cut bar chains to add(on order) varnish and a wash to fade back the lettering with some oil spill around the dome, as for RIOS not RIO`S its Rapid Independent Oil Supplies and that`s my story and I`m sticking with it!!;););)IMG_20220515_172355.jpgIMG_20220515_172343.jpg
No 4 tank car now is finished, more lettering added and then the lettering faded back , as metal wheels on the car and shiny on the backs these were painted out black then the car had a coat of "dirty" matt varnish with a little gloss varnish around the top of the dome for some wet oil marks, cut bars now operational and work fine, a spare grab rail from the spares box finished off the missing one from the kit on the dome, the C&RG lettering on the frame now straightened out as it showed up out of line in the photos,!!!!! Since the pics were taken I knocked up some new ladders from styrene strip as they were a little brittle and broke when were removed for paint.IMG_20220519_163554.jpgIMG_20220519_163606.jpgIMG_20220519_163646.jpgIMG_20220519_163657.jpg