Any experience with Accucraft C21 live steam loco?


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Has anyone got any experience with the Accucraft C21 LS loco?
Are there any tips for best running on this particular loco (as opposed to others).

This is photo of the electric version:
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'Woderwick' of this esteemed forum a few years ago, brought his to my line - the only live steamer to have run here. I remember it running well for a fair period of time with 4 LGB coaches. My line is pretty flat and minimum 4ft radius (R3s).
So from limited experience I think its a good un.
I've just chopped in my Accucraft L/S Mogul for their C19. The Mogul was fine, happy up to a rake of 3 Accy box cars and a Bachmann long caboose, till you showed it an incline and then it soon ran out of breath. Not run the C-19 yet but I assume that Accucraft use the same components on a number of related locos to simplify things, much like Roundhouse. I'd be interested to hear how you get on. I'm filled with trepidation. You seem to have been well and truly bitten by the steamie bug Mike. Max.
Thanks for the info on Woderwick's C21, Stockers.

Yes Max, I certainly have that bug.... but I am still committed to electric and battery...

I really do want a LS Accucraft Climax and was saving the funds for it, but when I saw the condition of this one and the fact that it was already RC, I couldn't resist the temptation!
I got the C21 from a guy at the Exeter show who was selling off all of his live steamers and rolling stock due to a move to funding the refurbishment of a 1:1 scale bullied pacific.
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