Yes, you will need lots of time
I now use the ESP8266 but started with the Arduino Nano and NRF24L01 many years ago when I had to use separate components. I hadn't ralised that they are now available combined.
At that time there were 2 libraries, and I choose one called Mirf. Libraries like this should contain a transmit and receive example. You use these examples to get it working between two Arduinos and then modify it to suit your purpose. I'm sure the libraries are different and improved now so can't advise which one to use.
It will be the same for the rotary potentiometer, search for an example and use that within your own code.
This was my first Arduino project and dispite programming Rockwell 6502 8 bit processors in the 1980s in machine code, I wasn't really a programmer.I did however like the simplicity of the code structure (initialisation, setup and main loop) and the Arduino IDE was very easy to use. Much simpler, in my opinion, than Python for example on a Raspberry Pi.
One piece of advise, never use the delay() function. Everything stops during this time. If you want to turn an LED on for 2 seconds, switch it on, and use a timer within the main loop to switch it off again after 2 seconds.
Good luck!