It's dimbo time again. I've printed off the instructions for my elderly controller, not having used it for what seems like a lifetime, and lost my original copy - if indeed I ever had one. It says I can control 100 locos, but since I've only got three Aristos, the thing is just connected to the track, Presumably this proud boast only works with locos fitted with individual receivers, and their own power supply? Not that that is immediately relevant just now.
Having checked the batteries in the transmitter, checked that electricity is coming out where it should, cleaned a length of track, fired up my antique Stainz - off we go. Towards the end of the track - press the right-hand small arrow. Nothing. Use the Emergency stop. It stops. Press the same button. still going the wrong way. Press the other little arrow - it works, but the loco is now going in the opposite direction to the arrow. Press same button, loco reverses. "DIR" does nowt while all this is going on. Is it supposed to? "Press the DIR button. The light will move to the left or right..." What light? Where?
Heartfelt plea - Is there an idiot's guide to this machine anywhere?
Having checked the batteries in the transmitter, checked that electricity is coming out where it should, cleaned a length of track, fired up my antique Stainz - off we go. Towards the end of the track - press the right-hand small arrow. Nothing. Use the Emergency stop. It stops. Press the same button. still going the wrong way. Press the other little arrow - it works, but the loco is now going in the opposite direction to the arrow. Press same button, loco reverses. "DIR" does nowt while all this is going on. Is it supposed to? "Press the DIR button. The light will move to the left or right..." What light? Where?
Heartfelt plea - Is there an idiot's guide to this machine anywhere?