Aristocraft Basic Train Engineer

Found this in the bottom of a box, must have arrived a long time ago in a job lot of stuff. No instructions but I think I can guess. Connect two wires to where it says Track to the track and feed in a suitable DC to where it says 12-22V DC. If nothing is broken will the handset automatically connect to the power box or is there some special handshake I should use? Can I assume that I can use this with any DC track powered trains of any scale? The handset says Basic but basic is the level I am at and have no desire to immerse myself in DCC with sounds and all that. Anything I should be aware of?



Thank you. Is there a special transformer that it connects to, I'm looking at that round plug on the end of the wires?

I measured mine and did not detect a diode. I have the B unit at 27.045 mhz. These units are on a CB channel and the letter tells us the frequency and the transmitter and receiver must match letters.
I have one of those, with a power supply if you’re interested. The controller may be useful as a spare. PM me if you want to discuss image.jpg
hi does anyone have one of these for sale as mine seems to be faulty. Works ok but when you take your finger of the speed controller the speed immediately starts to drop and train eventually stops. Can anyone suggest a fix or have one for sale. Many thx.
Thx Greg - yep I have the Pennsylvania starter set. Worked fine for a number of years now, but when I took it out over Christmas I noticed this issue. Really strange - when I put a meter across the tracks with the train running you can actually see the voltage dropping with nothing being pressed on the remote. When I press the speed-up button on the remote the voltage starts to climb again - when I stop pressing it immediately starts to fall. Think the issue is with the receiver unit and will keep looking for a replacement. Noticed this on ebay: think it might be a suitable substitute, but no real idea to be honest.

Piko RC 5a Receiver with Pocket Remote G Gauge 35040 :​

I have moved to the new Revolution, and Fine Scale Brass are the UK importer, and the owner (John Riley) is very helpful at getting the items he does not hold in stock.
Thx for suggestions - took a look but quite expensive compared to piko - just after very basic as its still working, just a bit annoying. Think I may also try the piko option.

There are a lot more features in the Revolution, so you need to compare apples to apples.

Since the unit in question was "found", I would assume the goal is a cheap way to make it work.

Keep watching eBay for one of these, but that's going to be rare... but they do turn up.... but mostly in the USA... again not worth shipping..
