Aristocraft Live Steam Mikado - Any Comments?


G scale trains - no surprise there then!</br></br>
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I have the opportunity to purchase one of these models, which is described as 'Almost New' by it's American owner, but I have very little knowledge of this loco.

Has anyone out there got any personal experiances, or good points/warnings about this loco.

I'm aware of the possible expense in importing this loco into the UK.

Any help would be appreciated by this live steam novice.
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

[align=center]I would buy one if I had the chance, plus import tax is a pain, but you may wait a long time for a UK one to come for sale , plus if you dont want it when you get it I would be interested and I am sure a lot of others would also be as well, so you should not have any loss, they run very well, and there are lots of people that have improved theirs.

Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

Check out the Aristocraft Forum in the live steam section. They are a bit prone to smokebox fires which can cause some damage - I've had one! Otherwise, they are great performers for the money and very easy to use. The second edition or issue is the one to go for.
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

MR SPOCK said:
[align=center]I would buy one if I had the chance, plus import tax is a pain, but you may wait a long time for a UK one to come for sale , plus if you dont want it when you get it I would be interested and I am sure a lot of others would also be as well, so you should not have any loss, they run very well, and there are lots of people that have improved theirs.


I know of one for sale right now.

Guy also has two NYC Streamliners as well.
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

Bob Weltyk, of < Link To Weltyk's Whistles fame, bashed one into a Grand Trunk Western Mountain.


She runs pretty well, too, as you can see < Link To here.
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

There's one on UK ebay right now - item 250738241855
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

ntpntpntp said:
There's one on UK ebay right now - item 250738241855

I have details of one near me that the chap wants £900.
He is supposed to be sending me some pics, shortly.
He says it's been fired about 4 times and is 4 years old, with case certificates ect.
I'm not trying to sell it for him but can give a number if anyone is interested.
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

It's 12V DC 1500mA
Apparently the tender bogies are not very strong, so support the tender from underneath when filling with gas.
Mine pulls well with the pressure increased to 50psi.
She'll pull 20+ cars up my long 1:70 bank.

Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

Well, I took the plunge and purchased the 'Mike' - everything appears to be OK. I have followed the Owners Manual to test the whistle, bell, lights and motion, and they are all working.

There is however one small matter of some concern. The charging instructions for the NiCad battery pack in the tender that controls all the 'bits' says that on connecting the charger, a red light will come on, that will change to amber when charging is taking place, then go out when the pack is fully charged.

The charge period from 'flat' to fully charged, is stated as five to six hours.

I left it on charge overnight (as the light had not changed or gone outafter six hours), and the next day - the light was still on (red).

As everything is working (I can not 'steam' it yet, as I am in the States, with no access to a track, but could the problem I am experiancing with charging, be evidence that the battery pack is nearing the end of it's life (it's two years old, but the loco has only been little used).

Your comments would be appreciated.
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

PM sent to newboydave.
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

ooh ooh ooh - can we have a race ? North vs South, Cheshire vs Croydon.

Seriously guys, will you keep this thread going with your early experiences ? Its a steamer you don't hear a lot about, and I for one would be nervous before dipping my toe in the water - mainly because of the apparent complexity.

Last one into steam is a cissy :bigsmile:
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

I'm pretty sure that hamish has a youtube clip of an onbord ride well loaded... unless it is another steam monster!! At my first open day next year I am hoping it may put in an appearance :bigsmile: I have r5s would that work? If it is the machine on youtube it's a beauty!
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

Newboydave wrote -
"I left it on charge overnight (as the light had not changed or gone out after six hours), and the next day - the light was still on (red)."

According to the Aristocraft steam forum, this is what generally happens in practice - the charging light doesn't work properly. If the tender and the charger block feel warm after a few hours then charging has been successful!

Coggles, do you mean this clip - < Link To[/IMG]
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?


She can manage down to R3 4' radius, and is already looking forward to visiting your line, but only if you come over to mine sometime!

funandtrains said:
Does anyone know if the body is made using a different plastic to the electric version and if it is is it solvent weldable?

Steve, perjaps someone on or the Aristo steam forum will know.
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

funandtrains said:
Westcott said:
It's 12V DC 1500mA
Apparently the tender bogies are not very strong, so support the tender from underneath when filling with gas.
Mine pulls well with the pressure increased to 50psi.
She'll pull 20+ cars up my long 1:70 bank.


I've found that mY Uniross battery charger power supply has an output of 12V DC at 1A do you think this will be Ok to use?

If original was 1.5Amps........then 1Amp may be to small:thinking:
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

funandtrains said:
spike said:
funandtrains said:
Westcott said:
It's 12V DC 1500mA
Apparently the tender bogies are not very strong, so support the tender from underneath when filling with gas.
Mine pulls well with the pressure increased to 50psi.
She'll pull 20+ cars up my long 1:70 bank.


I've found that mY Uniross battery charger power supply has an output of 12V DC at 1A do you think this will be Ok to use?

If original was 1.5Amps........then 1Amp may be to small:thinking:

I will keep looking through boxes to see if I have another one with 1.5 Amps. Not knowing much about electrics will any transformer do or does it have to be one intended for battery charging?

Normally you will need one with the right voltage plus equivilent current rating.
So if the original has a current of 1500mA, thats 1,5Amps, then look for one with at least that current rating. If for instance you know the battery is'nt going to need more than 1Amp during charging then you can get away with 1000mA or 1Amp.

Forgot it alsomatters what your trying to charge, differnt batteries need different types of charger.
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

I think that your 1A charger will be perfectly fine.
Try it and see - if it gets too hot, then stop!
The batteries are probably AA NiCads, and the charging is controlled by the electronics in the tender.
Charging current is probably 0.5A at max, since the total charge time is 5-6 hours, and the batteries will be about 1500-2000mAh.
Re:Aristocraft Live Steam Micardo - Any Comments?

Just a suggestion. Since you have NiCad batteries, see if you can find a someone who can loan you a charger with an automatic charging/discharging feature. I have a Hobbico Accu-Cycle peaking charger which will automatically charge transmitter or receiver batteries multiple times in order to clear the memory NiCads are prone to developing.

To fully clear the memory, mine goes through the charge/discharge cycle 3 times and then gives the battery pack a final peaking charge.

Good luck.
