*Auction watch* How lovely is this in its box ! - Vectis


(BZB Mountain Railway)
Country flag
We bought that set some 20 years ago, a lot more than the starting price! But it was brand new, it also came with a 5A transformer, which does not seem to be mentioned in the write up. Still runs as good as with 2 extra coaches.
I had a set as well sold to a fellow forum member and subsequently moved on. In addition to the loco, coaches and controller was a circle of R4 track and some double straights.
This Set has had an interesting little life since being sold by Vectis for a hammer price of £580 (Estimate £780 after fees)

it looks like it was sold to a Youtuber that does review of items ! the Youtuber is semi famous also for being a bit nasty about a few people on there related to the model railway industry with his "so called Roasts", anyway he did the review (below)

And now its straight onto ebay if anyone is interested still, now for £1530.
