Model Railroading, boats and oil painting,

After messing about with the Rogers loco for a mate its time to get busy again on some of my jobs,two locos came into the rosta over xmas ,a LGB Mogul and a Sumper Mallet,both needing some slight attention,,,,problem no 1 is that I really dont like the Lgb engineer,i think too small an the pose just isnt right so set about changing a Bachman engineer to fit the mogul.I had a stainz driver (from my american stainz bash)sitting in the parts box for a donor,the problem with the mogul is there is no room between the cab side and the firebox,i had the same problem with the little LGB 2 4 0.I took a saw and sharp knife to both figures,cutting between the legs of the bachy and removed the left leg at about the coat line,then cut the LGB figure in the same way to use the left "standing" leg,then using plasticard to fill the gap in the bacy figure leg,glued the standing leg in place and then used model filler to smooth off an fill any gaps,a paint when dry,to finish off a bandana to stop the smuts!!
The new figure now stands/sits in the cab no problem,seat to be made at later date when he is fitted in properly