Bachmann 16mm figures.....

tac foley

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I recently treated myself to a couple of sets of Bachmann's fine new series of 16mm figures, in the form of a British-style cab crew of driver and fireman from just about any time in the 20th C steam era. What a difference from the doll-like pair we have gotten used to over the years in Bachmann's 1/20.3 offerings!

These are two well-posed figures of realistic appearance - the driver in a typical driverish stance, and the fireman with his separately-attached shovel ready to apply a load of coal. The VERY slight downside is the unrealistically bright silver of the shovel blade - nothing that can't be fixed with a couple of brush strokes of silver/black mix. They are both pretty grimy from a busy day in the cab - a real change from the often pristine clothing often encountered by other manufacturers in depicting crew in a dirty and coal-dusty environment

One set will be going into my Accucraft 'Earless', and the other into the NG/G16 Garrett, where the coal on the shovel will be magically transformed into bacon and egg [my Garrett prototype is oil-fired]. Mounted on a base of 'wooden planking' they'll add a bit of human realism to an already crowded cab.

They are VERY respectably priced, and only sold pre-packed in a set of two.

Value and overall impression - 9.5/10

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Any pix Tac....
Wow ! They're nice !
:cry: They don't fit in the Accucraft 'Earless'.

Unless you remove ALL the controls, and the lubricator, Johnson bar......

More space in the NG/G16 though..........

Ottawa Valley GRS
:cry: They don't fit in the Accucraft 'Earless'.

Unless you remove ALL the controls, and the lubricator, Johnson bar......

More space in the NG/G16 though..........

Ottawa Valley GRS
Had to chop the feet off one to get him to fit one of my diesels! But they are good.
I guess I could always stick the driver's head on the top of the steam oil lubricator column...

Remembering that I also had an Edrig on the rack, I tried them out in that, too, only to recall that the present cab figure, a model of my grandad, was made in 7/8th scale to more readily match the rather generously-cut Edrig.

Seems to me that I am being forced inexorably in the direction of a 'Lilla', although those piston rod packing glands are less than impressive.

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BEWARE!!!!! These figures are VERY fragile!

I've just dropped the driver figure on the carpeted floor of our conservatory, and the head and left arm have broken off, cleanly, but still busted.

They seem to be made of a resin type material - probably a cheaper process than injection moulding.