Bachmann and AMS


RR, technical things, 4x4
Hi Guys,

i run a couple of AMS-Passenger Coaches on my layout pulled by a connie (or two)
The connies are well known for beeing big, what i think IS prototypical.

Now there are some plans in my head, to give my mostly steep mountain-layout a loop and siding what would make the "line from the plains"
For this, id like to have a Spectrum-Mogul 2-6-0, maybe it will become a 4-4-0.

Does anyone of u own a Spectrum-Loco 2-6-0 or a 4-4-0 and AMS-Coaches (or other 1:20,3 Coaches) and can post a Pic of them?

I heard that the locos are small in comparison with the big Coaches. But those locos WERE small prototypically (look at the Eureka-Loco in front of the looks like a pregnant turtle, but the loco IS small and the Coach IS big!!!)
I would be very glad to see the Spectrums (one of them) in one train with the AMS Coaches.

Thank you.

btw: finally, on the CCRR the Tuckerville-Branch reopened after years of beeing fallen asleep. It was my first station in where i live now, when i started my first, own garden railway (trackpowered LGB that time).
Then the HO-Scale pushed it away, untill i restarted some years ago. Reopening that station is some kind of historical moment for me.

I hope to bring in some pix or maybe even a short clip on youtube.


Hi Frank
I have both the Bachmann 2-6-0 & 4-4-0 and a pair of AMS coaches if i get a chance tomorrow everning i will get a pic for you .
Few pic's for you Frank does look about right as i have the video of the Eureka pulling the Bumble Bee coach and caboose on the Silverton the loco looks tiny .




Regards Richie
as u tell:

tiny, but it looks right!

Many thanks for your help! Nice to see especially the 4-4-0 directly to compare with the coach, because i think the 2-6-0 gives a more powerfull impression, even though i think they should be nearly of the same size.

Seems i have to await a good offer for a 2-6-0......

first i´ll do my Mallet (yes, yes, i know: 2 years in the rack and not ready yet....i´ll try!)
Then there might come an "esasy runner".

Thanks once more!


one more:

normally i dont like the american locos with too much glance and glamour. And too much colour.
e.g the Eureka-loco i do not like. She looks like an ancient furniture shop ...somekind...

...but in some way i like that light blue boiler!
And not to be explained in any way: i like the glamour of this loco.
Once, i was THAT short on buying one....

...but she wouldnt make it aside the completely black Spectrum Mogul...


Glad to be of help Frank . I tend to run freight stock with the mogul and passenger with the 4-4-0 :thumbup: but in the photo i seem to be running them the other way round
I'll have to differ with you with the Eureka i love all the brass and coloured linning and the big ballon stack just don't see many cheap ones around :love: It's amazing how different the loco's look just in plain black .
While I have not got a picture to hand of the 2-6-0 with one of my AMS coaches here is one to show its size reletive to an average domestic cat.:rolf:

Cost £100 new, the loco that is. It was from a local shop that decided G scale was not their market (got a Connie too for the same price). I saw it in the shop window with the price ticket. I have never felt my credit card leave my wallet so fast.
Great pic's Max love the cat :thumbup:
What a bargin you got there thought mine was cheap at £165
hey, what do you think my RRs name does come from??

CAT Canyon RR???

There are 4 different cats arround, while ours always gives the operation inspector. No chance for me to do anything without her watching all my actions.

But this cat ist cute..and cool.
They LIKE to provocate.....:bigsmile:

May i ask for the benefit of getting a look on the loco AND coach? The cat may be in the pic, too. I even dont worry when she continues to blocade the operation.
As far as i can see loco and coach.....:bigsmile:


And here are some pictures of the 2-6-0 with a matching AMS JS combine.
These seem to be sadly underated locos. I love all the old time "bling". Quite a few people on here reckon they are somewhat underscale. I wish I had bookmarked a contemporary photo of a real one of these with a JS car that I saw a few years ago, I swear it was on the Colorado based "Narrow Guage Circle" site but can't find it now. These locos really were that small compared to their rolling stock.

Frank and Ritchie - Cat in question is sadly no longer on this planet. She passed away in her sleep (massive stroke) just 2 years ago. She was 20, not bad innings really. New cat in residence does not quite have the same beligerent nature, yet.
Just been in my local Model Shop, where they have the Bachman 2-6-0 Mogul alongside the Connie 4-4-0.

The Mogul is tiny compared to the Connie, but I'm told by the owner that they are the same scale....
Gizzy said:
Just been in my local Model Shop, where they have the Bachman 2-6-0 Mogul alongside the Connie 4-4-0.

The Mogul is tiny compared to the Connie, but I'm told by the owner that they are the same scale....

Take a little look here stock/locomotive/locos.htm , at the photo in the top right hand of page. Not the picture I was talking of above but still a good example of variation in size of locos. The Bachmann Connie and the Mogul are in all probability the same scale.
maxi-model said:
Gizzy said:
Just been in my local Model Shop, where they have the Bachman 2-6-0 Mogul alongside the Connie 4-4-0.

The Mogul is tiny compared to the Connie, but I'm told by the owner that they are the same scale....

Take a little look here stock/locomotive/locos.htm , at the photo in the top right hand of page. Not the picture I was talking of above but still a good example of variation in size of locos. The Bachmann Connie and the Mogul are in all probability the same scale.
Thanks Max.

I've posted a thread elsewhere as the shop owner has a Mogul for sale at £99.99!

Nice looking loco and I'm sure a bargain for someone here on the forum....
Hi Max,

sad to hear about the cat.
But getting 20 years old, she got her time....i think.
Was a very nice cat, btw...

Thank u for the pics.
They show, that the loco is a bit small, but it fits the scale. Early locos were very light and small. I think its ok with the coaches.


A hundred squid for a Spectrum Mogul in unbelievable Max, well done !

£165 for a Mogul - where on earth did you get that from Rich ?

How much do they go for now ?
Don Gilham said:
A hundred squid for a Spectrum Mogul in unbelievable Max, well done !

£165 for a Mogul - where on earth did you get that from Rich ?

How much do they go for now ?
Hi Don
Got my loco off a E Bay shop a few years back made him a offer of £165 as Rails Of Sheffield had one for £165 but not the one i wanted .

Pic of Eureka with a JS coach
Take a look here

There are a whole host of contemporary images by Ted Kiersay (I think that is how he is spelled) on this site of these old time locos and the stock the pulled around Clorado.

I think sometimes it might be the size of those "baloon smoke stacks" that throws peoples' perception of the actual small size of the locos at that time. Just a theory.

As per Ritchie's pictures these Spectrum and Large Scale Bachman moguls, IMHO, look equaly at home with 1:20.3 and nominally 1:24 rolling stock.
