Bachmann coach kit sets - info needed


Motorcycle travel, trains
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Hi all,

Somebody here is selling 3 kit sets:

Since I can't find them on Bachmann's web site I assume they are no longer produced. Now, he wants NZ$ 175 for what looks like 3 kits. I found another Kiwi writing he used to buy them for US$ 22 in the US, about NZ$ 40 landed.

Does anybody have any more info on these? Links with detailed descriptions?

The auction has been re-listed, so there is a chance that I could pick them up for $150. Is that good value?

Thanks for any light you may be able to shine on this for a noob.
I have built the combine kit a few years ago. They are the Big Hauler items in unpainted/unassembled form, no extra features. They have a basic lighting system. You could just do a repaint on standard built items if they are cheaper. Max.
Thanks guys. I liked reading the review.

Am I right that the kits are no longer sold in the shops?
Bachmann released the coach kits in two batches. The first batch was around the mid-1990's in grey boxes. Your link refers to models from this release. The second batch was released in a red box and dates from around 2005.

The first release are made from ABS as noted in the review link and as such are not glue friendly if you decode to modify them. The later release in the red boxes are made from styrene and more easily modified.

Note: the first release cars have flimsy plastic end railings, while the later release have more robust metal railings. My advice would be to avoid the first release as when paint and decals are added to the cost one could purchase a later factory painted version. If you intend just to paint the cars and really want the experience then of cause the cars might be for you.

Edit: from memory these early kits had plastic wheelsets, so add the cost of metal wheels (around $25.00 per coach) to get a true value of the kits. Personally, these are expensive. In their day they were good for modifying but these days factory painted cars offer better value.
Beddhist said:
there is a chance that I could pick them up for $150. Is that good value?

Looked at those, and decided to pass on them. I've picked up RTR coaches like these for $NZ50 off Trade Me, although $NZ100 is more the going rate, if it has metal wheels.
My thoughts are they look much better if you have painted them yourself as opposed to leaving them in the plastic looking finish of the "ready Made" version. Also I don't know what the current exchange rate is but the price seems expensive :-\
Yes, stuff is expensive here, not to mention that folks in UK buy our food cheaper than we do here. Duopoly, go figure. There is a Massoth eMotion S on TradeMe now for NZ$300 (US$ 233, GBP 149). I just bought one in Germany with speaker and local postage for Eur 120, about 200 NZ$.

Thanks guys, that is the sort of advice I was after. I will pass on them, then. They have already been relisted once.