This is really about converting Bachmanns Emily into a representatiion of the London zNorth Western Railways Lady of the Lake/Problem type 2-2-2
Essentially it is a relatively straightforward job involving shortening the Emily body, removing the front pony truck and a lot of Styrene together with a few castings from Williams models and GRS
The tender involved a bit more work
It is based around an Emily tender body and wheels with a new underframe from wood and styrene with Emily wheels, GRS axle boxes; couplings; and Williams Buffers;
The tool boxes are from off cuts of mini trunking
Hopefully the pictures tell the story of its build
Essentially it is a relatively straightforward job involving shortening the Emily body, removing the front pony truck and a lot of Styrene together with a few castings from Williams models and GRS
The tender involved a bit more work
It is based around an Emily tender body and wheels with a new underframe from wood and styrene with Emily wheels, GRS axle boxes; couplings; and Williams Buffers;
The tool boxes are from off cuts of mini trunking
Hopefully the pictures tell the story of its build