Bachmann G-Men


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A few years ago, I wrote Bachmann asking if they had plans to produce more of their G Men style figures in more types. Women, children, workers, etc. I did receive an answer saying that the suggestion would be passed along to the "Powers that be".

I am asking all of you to send Bachmann an email, letter, or whatever, to Bachmann asking the same question.

I like the style of these figures and wish there were more.
Maybe posts on the Bachmann Forum would be productive. It could encourage others, besides those that read here, to also ask questions. Not only that Bachmanns answer would also be seen by many.
Good idea. So I joined the Bachmann forum, a few minutes ago, and posted the question.
A reply from The Bachmann suggests other sites where figures can be obtained, which suggests they are not intending a production run of their own.
Yes, I read the reply on their forum. Not only do they not get it, but I don't get it. The G men figures are simple, almost charicatures. How much effort would it be for Bachmann to produce more variations of them?
Now the only conclusion I can draw Dan is that figures are not great sellers and there for marginal to the great overall Bachmann plan. ;)
If you recall when Aristo closed they still had lots of figures left which Scott took on in his new web site.
The seated figures I recognize as Bachmann Scene Craft, I think it is. Some of your other figures I'm not sure what they are. You have some very nice and interesting figures there, Casey.

What is the guy in the gray overcoat holding ?
Okay, why would he be holding a rug, standing on a railway platform.....:think:
well, it seems, that his loved one is expected to arrive with the next passenger train.
and he wants to give her a "red carpet" reception.

how could you miss something that ovious??

He who gets it last, had it explained to him.......:wondering: And if that carpet is red, I'm Santa Claus.......:rofl:
He who gets it last, had it explained to him.......:wondering: And if that carpet is red, I'm Santa Claus.......:rofl:

Right Santa - here's my list (SWMBO thinks I'm colour blind) ...........
What with the weather being pretty dire recently, I have been reprinting some of my older figures. Whilst doing so, I have noticed that Bachmann have made subtle changes to some of the newly rereleased figures compared to the older ones.
I will post some pictures in due course.
The figures shown here are not the G Men mentioned in the first post. They are European in style it seems with some suitable for the UK. One of two might pass in an American scene.

I saw lots of figures at the recent Exeter Show but as my young dog (a farm type) has the habit of removing my lineside fogures I did not buy any. Currently owned figures are stored safely away!
I had written Bachmann a couple of years ago, asking if they would expand the "G Men" outline figures. Basically, they answered politely that they would take it under advisement.....:think:
'Bachmann 'G' men'..

A little like the X-men.. .. ..

But on a smaller scale!!!!! :p;):giggle::giggle:

Hat, coat, door..
Yes, I read the reply on their forum. Not only do they not get it, but I don't get it. The G men figures are simple, almost charicatures. How much effort would it be for Bachmann to produce more variations of them?

Dan, how many different G Men are there?