Hiking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing
For the last few months have been getting all the materials I needed to start this project. Its something like a Thumb Thumb steam engine. I saw this on the web a few years ago and really loved it but never had the guts to try it because it was live steam. Now that Im out of diapers with the live steam Im more comfortable at attemting to build this. It looks like a fun project. Here is the link for those intrested:
SO far I have all the materials required to build this and wood all cut.
I pinted out the plans ect for the project and put it all into a binder.
All the materials
Today I started to build the main frame. Once the glue dries Ill post some photos.
SO far I have all the materials required to build this and wood all cut.
I pinted out the plans ect for the project and put it all into a binder.

All the materials

Today I started to build the main frame. Once the glue dries Ill post some photos.