beware "Bestones"

tramcar trev

all manner of mechanical apparatus...
I bought a 2mm 4 flute endmill of this guy in China somewhere. Cost was AU$2.99 ok not much to get excited about. The endmill didn't arrive so I sent of a few emails asking where it may be etc and got no response... so as a last recourse when constantly asked for "feedback" I inserted negative feedback and got an immediate response, a phone call from China wanting to know why I had left negative feed back, if he had read the feed back he would have understood.....
All resloved now he is sending me 2 replacements free and has given me my money back and asked me to withdraw my feedback. So the dilemea is, do I modify the feed back before reciept of the items or wait till they arrive
I'd say (to seller) that you will happily retract the negative feedback as soon as you are in receipt of the goods! Things do take a long time (slow boat) [strike]to[/strike] from China - but the actual time in the post is reasonably short - when the ebay purchase is listed as despatched its a pack of lies. My recent purchase of some battery holders, listed as sent within three days of purchase, showed a HK postmark dated THREE weeks after that date.:thumbdown:
xeov vomm zua jewi vji ovin op jepf
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Jux fof vjot haz hiv zuas 'qjupi pancis?

Puv tunivjoph O xuamf jewi howip uav up i-neom us uvjis niept.

Epzjux, O xuamfp'v xovjfsex vji pihevowi giifcedl apvom zua jewi sidiowif vji huuft....
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et e timmis o xuamfpv iyqidv vji sivsedvoup apvomm egvis vji datvunis ot tevotgoif.
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