
New Haven Neil 2

Some pictures of my recently completed black Caledonia, which I finally got the chance to steam today - weather has been atrocious, then today glorious, forecast atrocious againtomorrow, so thought I had better get on with it!:@

Very nice :love::love:
Love it. The lion looks great, and presumably stayed on when hot!
Thanks folks.

Yes Alan, fitted with American decal-sol stuff, and it's painted over with acrylic varnish too. The VoR was done the same, it's been on 4 years now. I was more worried about the paint, but it's fine.....mops brow.... It's the frst steam re-paint I have done, lot harder than doing HO scale models!
New Haven Neil 2 said:
Thanks folks.

Yes Alan, fitted with American decal-sol stuff, and it's painted over with acrylic varnish too. The VoR was done the same, it's been on 4 years now. I was more worried about the paint, but it's fine.....mops brow.... It's the frst steam re-paint I have done, lot harder than doing HO scale models!

it looks amazing :love::thumbup:
That locomotive is so right it should be named 'Righteous', ace job Neil (now where's my credit card?) :thumbup:
Wonderful Neil. Just gorgeous! :thumbup:
Oooh, I'm going to go all shy in a minute. :)

Thanks folks, it was a long journey, but worth it. I fancy a green one too, the real Cale was Ailsa green for a few months only. She never was black of course, but the L&L shedmaster has a hankering for black locos at the moment, he likes our black Leader and Lyn a lot!