Blocked steam pipe?


1/6 Scale Tanks, Garden Railways
Hi help required please!

My Accucraft Lawley was running fine until this afternoon when I believe a blockage has occured in a steam pipe?

It raises steam but will hardly move so I believe a blockage is the cause in a steam pipe.

How do I go about clearing it?


A friend of mine had a similar problem with his LYN a few months back.
"I had one run on Sunday and the Lyn ran really slowly, it only just made it around some of the curves. For the next run I made sure the loco was well lubricated and fired it up but it just wouldn?t move at all."
"It was the down pipe on the end of the superheater pipe, the blockage was in the pipe just outside where the pipe fitted into the central reverser block. I could get a flexible wire down the pipe partway from either end but couldn?t get it all the way through to clear it. eventually after removing a few bits of burnt oil I was able to force oil down the pipe to clear it. I would never have been able to do it in situ and so it was a good job I decided to dismantle the steam chest assembly. If anyone else has this problem I could certainly offer advice on the best way to clear the blockage."
I could always put you in touch with him.....
It could also be the opposite...a leak in the superheater pipe which is letting live steam into the fire tube and reducing the effectiveness of the fire when you open the regulator.

markrussell said:
Hi help required please!

My Accucraft Lawley was running fine until this afternoon when I believe a blockage has occured in a steam pipe?

It raises steam but will hardly move so I believe a blockage is the cause in a steam pipe.

How do I go about clearing it?


Hmmmn. What sort of oil are you using in this loco Mark. Quite a rare event this ? although I have seen it.. Anyway first of all check that nothing is loose and that the timing is not out. If the timing is OK and you are still sure that it is the main steam pipe that is blocked, remove the smokebox and undo the manifold. If steam comes out here when the loco is fired and the regulator opened then the steampipe ain't blocked! If it IS blocked then disconnect at the firebox end, remove and ask for a replacement. Make sure that you are using the recommended steam oil. It is possible to remove carbonised oil but an awkward job.
Hi I have checked and it is not a blocked steam pipe. Steam seems to come out of the smoke box manifold ok. The loco though seems more sluggish and slower than it used to be with less power. I have always used the correct Accucraft grade steam oil form Track Shack. Could there be a blockage in the cylinder assembly? The loco has only been run around 10 times since new. How do I check that the timing is correct?


In Tag's absence, this is what he's written before. I hope it helps.
"First of all set the reverser/regulator piston valve. When you put the reversing lever into reverse gear (move the lever to the back of thequadrant) the scribed line should *just* disappear into the chest. If it does not then set using the locknuts on the thread on the end of the valve shaft.
Put the locomotive down on its port side. Turn the wheels and as the axle crank approach 6 o'clock the scribed line should again *just* disappear into the chest. Adjust as needed.
Do the same on the other side.
On the locomotive slowly, in forward gear, on blocks. Using your heatproof index finger, apply a little gentle forward *push* onto the piston valve. If this improves running slightly, then you need another turn inwards. If you apply a little reverse pressure then you need to screw out slightly. Do both sides in this way and your locomotive should now be running sweetly.
It is important to do the reversing piston rod first tho' a little forward bias here does no harm if you tend to run smokebox first most of the time."
Good luck,
Hi I have found out what the problem is...
It is a blockage in the downpipe that goes into the central reverser block on the 3 steam chests. Is there a way to clear this as it is difficult to poke a thin wire down it?
Just been looking at my spare valve assembly:-

Looks like a real challenge here.
I can't offer anything useful, maybe one of our engineering members may know a trick or two?
Casey's mate's mate may be the guy to talk to.
If it comes to the worst option, a new assembly is not overly expensive.
A situation where a goodly supply of compressed air could be helpful.

Blow back in the opposite direction, even a gas canister might have enough puff. Try if possible to retain what ever is causing the blockage for later inspection, it could be absolutely anything from general crud to a blob of loose solder.
It could be just crud in the piston reverser valve, slide it out and clean the steam ways, and while its out blow back through the valve block to clear the pipe and ports.