Body Mounting Kadee Couplers to LGB


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Hi everyone! I am in the process of converting my LGB collection to body-mounted Kadee couplers. I have converted several cars so far using trial and error with the 906 body mount gearboxes:

I am finding very little information out there on how to body mount LGB. So far I've been able to figure it out myself, but some cars are much more difficult than others. I am cutting the tang off the truck as part of the process in order to make room for the body mount.

Besides finding resources for body-mounting LGB in general, I am specifically looking for advice on how to body mount the Kadee 906s on my LGB White Pass diesel locomotives (2055).

Does anyone here have experience body mounting LGB with the Kadee 906/other couplers?
There are a few articles on mounting Kadees to LGB rolling stock on my site:

(read the index)

Thanks Greg, I'd previously found your website which has the best/most information I've see so far! Unfortunately it seems that everywhere that does have Kadee body mounting advice is generally lacking for LGB products, or it's for something that I don't own.
If you have a 3d printer, you can use online files to print stock shims for both 906 and 907 couplers from 1-10mm. Just google. They were very useful for LGB rolling stock and others. Be careful using the 906s on LGB rolling stock if you have curves less than 12 feet, they will bind with the wheels on tight curves. You can either notch them as Ted shows on Greg’s site (and which I had to do after the fact), or use 907s.