Book - Bahn Im Bild 74 'Schmalspurbahnen In Karnten'


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I've picked up another edition of the Bahn Im Bild series, this time no.74 which covers the Vellachtalbahn and Gurktalbahn.

It follows the usual format, black and white photos, mainly one to a page, with a short caption and date.
The photos are all of good quality, and I'd only seen one in anothe publication. They focus largely on the 1950-1960s period.




The text is all in German, but this doesn't detract from the historical interest in this book - as both these lines are no longer in existence.
They are quite visually different in character to the more well known Austrian narrow gauge lines, and the book is quite an inspiring look into two characterful lines if you're interested in Austrian Narrow Gauge.

The tough part is tracking a copy down!
I've got No.43 as well, and I've got the one No.30 on the Ybbstalbahn.
I know Bruce has No.25 for the Steyrtalbahn.
I'd like quite a few, but they were printed so long ago they're quite hard to get hold of :(
I guess those years at evening classes in German pay off, backed up by Google translate to confirm. Sometimes it just needs a bit of tweaking on the compound nouns to get a sensible translation. Spurkranz seems to want ?18 per issue. Shipping is free over ?189 abroad (I'd have to check that by Ausland he meant really abroad rather than just Germany - the shop is in Vienna). Below ?100 is ?14 postage and 100-189 is ?9. What I can't see is what forms of payment he takes - which may mean that its only the German "bank transfer" and no paypal. Since I'm after Bahn im Bild 211 now (thanks James for finding ways for me to spend money) on the Bregenzabahn I shall be investigating and report back. have a wide selection of BiB titles. Select "Bucher" and then specify Bahn in Bild; this will bring up a long list of titles. If you don't have an account, it can be set up in the same way as the UK version. It can be settled by credit card as in the UK. [ Exetergeek is right - most continental suppliers do not take credit at all and it is not always obvious what payment methods are available - sometimes these are buried in "AGB" under "Zahlungsarten" but not consistently so].

Thanks Gh,
I had a quick look last night as this first popped up. I searched on for bahn im bild 211 - which is the particular issue I want at the moment. Just been back to to search again, and after a bit of playing around (I couldn't find a publisher button) << bahn im bild band >> should pick up the books people are interested in. Band translates in this context as volume / issue but its clearly what uses to sort stuff. That way you should get just this range of books rather than any books of pictures of railways, although I'm now tempted by the railways of Berlin and German Railway uniforms since 1860...
I have a german chum that I keep for the "uberweising" or bank transfer methods of payment.
Not very much poking around now reveals that Amazon. co uk also offers some Bahn in Bild (and other German rail) books! Who would have expected that? Even easier to spend one's cash...

Graham Hewett