artfull dodger
My friend and I retraded engines after he decided he didnt want to spend the $$ to get the Billy kit built and painted how he wanted So he asked if he could have the Mayflower back and I said yes. The Billy kit is brand new and includes a Slo Mo. I was going to go the LGB Stainz look route but have changed my mind I found a blog where a gentleman took a Billy and make a really good looking "bush" engine out of it. He added RH Darjeeling lamps on the smokebox and cab roof(lighted as well), Brandbright cowcatcher pilots(which are nolonger available and I am looking for an idea what to use) and the coal bunker etch from the Lady Anne kit. I have an email into Harri about costs for the coal bunker etch, Darj lamps and the combination lever/droplink valve gear upgrade parts. Frame and valve gear will be red, smokebox is BBQ flat black(in the oven baking right now) and the boiler/cab will be satin black to get the model a German look to it. He cut back the buffers to be more like the William engine so the cylinders show, then added the Brandbright pilots that are nolonger available(he calls them monkey pushers!) I love the idea as my railway will get grown over as it ages and fit the part of a jungle railway. using ex Austrian/German rolling stock and locomotives. I will put older style kero lanterns on my Maestro and use him as a heritage engine on specials. I am in the process of etch priming and painting frames right now on the Billy. So nothing to show yet, but here are the pics of the engine I found online. Would love to know how he got the nice shiny silver relfector seen inside that front Darjeeling lamp! Anybody have a pair of those pilots they will sell??? Mike the Aspie