artfull dodger
I am looking to get my own live steamer, I have had them in the past, but due to income restrictions have been unable to afford one for awhile. I have the possiblity to get a Chedder Iver in excellent condition or a used LGB Frank S. Both run well. Either would suit my lines European looks and tight curves. Both would need RC, which I have on hand, to run on my less than level line. The Chedder engine is more affordable, around $600 before shipping to me. The Frank S is around $900 before shipping. I would need to make payments to the owner for a period of time in order to afford either. I started out with Mamods, have had a couple Frank S engines, but I put Finescale Engineering gas tanks in the loco on those to solve cold weather running and dispense with hot water baths. Not sure thats an option anymore, and the Chedder has a ceramic burner, so quieter. I think the Chedder gives me the ablity to customize a bit more, its an all black model. I think red frames and driver centers, a Regner lantern style headlight (Similar to the LGB Stainz lantern) on both ends would help give it a more LGB style look to fit my all LGB railway. And its more easily paid for. I am still working on the details between the two owners to see if things will work out. Nothing is set in stone yet. I love the Frank S, but its higher cost is harder for me to imagine finding the funds to pay for it in reasonable time. Mike