British narrow gauge (esp. Southwold and W&LLR)

It's that time of year again - and what a funny old year it's been (and still is)!
My missus has asked me for a list of stuff I might like for Christmas which she can use and/or pass on to close relatives. I usually enjoy receiving a railway related book for Christmas so I can browse through it on Boxing Day and thereafter, but this year I'm a bit stumped as to what to suggest. Has anyone come across anything which might be relevant? My great passion is anything related to UK or Irish narrow gauge but I am willing to be tempted by something a bit more exotic.
Any suggestions?
My missus has asked me for a list of stuff I might like for Christmas which she can use and/or pass on to close relatives. I usually enjoy receiving a railway related book for Christmas so I can browse through it on Boxing Day and thereafter, but this year I'm a bit stumped as to what to suggest. Has anyone come across anything which might be relevant? My great passion is anything related to UK or Irish narrow gauge but I am willing to be tempted by something a bit more exotic.
Any suggestions?