Christmas present arrived!!


Trains, Planes, Automobiles & Shooting
I have always wanted a Magnus car of some sort I have tried for years to find the maintenance car set and crane that I saw many years ago but have so far failed to find one. So when I saw this on flee bay I popped them an offer and won it!! It really is a superb bit of kit, if a bit fragile! it comes in it's own metal box for protection.
Now the bad news, when it arrived the doors had fallen off and the air hoses at one end were adrift in the box as well! but a bit of super glue sorted out the broken door tracks and electrical shrink wrap repaired the air hoses. I am in negotiations with the seller to remedy the damage but I'm sure we will work out a satisfactory solution. Anyhow here it is on the shelf were I'm sure it will be staying!!



You can see here where I repaired the broken air line with a piece of shrink wrap.
very nice ,something a bit differnt:thumbup:
Yes mate made in Germany all metal and hefty prices! Magnus
Modelleisenbahnfabrikation in Putzbrunn
That's a lovely wagon.. the detail on their works/permanent way wagons is something else... more than I can afford (unless the euro plummets but that's another thread).
bazzer42 said:
That's a lovely wagon.. the detail on their works/permanent way wagons is something else... more than I can afford (unless the euro plummets but that's another thread).

Yes.....nice detail :thumbup:
And people complain LGB is expensive:rolf::rolf::rolf::rolf::rolf::rolf:

But i must admit they are superb models, not got one yet but one day:bigsmile::bigsmile:
It's very attractive. Magnus also (used to) make nice Gauge 3 DR wagons to fit on Rollbocke, which were ideal loads for a IVk etc but I don't think there's a UK stockist.

PS Does anyone know the back history of RhB 1524? (I didn't think they had any 8 wheel stock because of the radius of the many of the curves).
WOW! Thats one of the set I have been trying to find!!!!!!! but it's way over my pay grade I only paid $250 for my one

I don't know about the 4 axle car I've seen them in DB livery perhaps they did a repaint version of those?
minimans said:
I don't know about the 4 axle car I've seen them in DB livery perhaps they did a repaint version of those?
I think it may be, as was said above the RhB curves tend to mean they go for long 4 wheel stock or bogies. I've never seen a photo of anything similar on the RhB but they do have some odd works cars too. It bears a resemblance to the 4 wheel RhB vans but also standard gauge German stuff too.
Looks nice though ;)
Magnus models look great but are fragile. The castings seem to be the weekest sort of white metal rather than brass. All the used models I've seen have had brake pipes and other details broken.
I've got a few pieces of Magnus stock (old bogie coaches and 2 wheeled coaches), its proven to be fairly robust and I've suffered no breakages so far. They are really nice models and I love watching them running.
I don't know how to put this tactfully ... but the RhB never had any such vehicles (at least none is listed in Schweers' catalogue) - almost their entire works fleet of vans and open wagons were handmedowns from the operating department - and a rigid 8-wheel wheelbase would never have gone round the corners. A pity, 'cos it's a nice vehicle.
