
Hi all. After my recent purchase of a TE, I thought I'd better protect it from short circuit as on the rare occasion this does occur with my reversing loops. I thought about fuses but wanted to give circuit breakers a chance first and found these < Link To http://shop1.actinicexpre...f2a28b0557119dedce31e7 it's the Zing Ear ZE-700 breakers that I bought, one of 7 and one of 8 amp. My power supply gives out at least 10 amp, so I tried the 7 amp breaker in the track supply and tested it, no trip. I tried the 8 amp too and that didn't trip out either. I even momentarily placed the 7 amp breaker straight across the power supply output with no response. Now, I thought that breakers are only tripped by overcurrent and that lower than rated voltage should make no difference (breakers have a rated voltage that should not be exceeded as a higher voltage can bridge the open contact gap). The description also says suitable for up to 36v dc. Am I missing something? Or are these breakers simply not suitable? Has anyone here tried using circuit breakers as a form of protection for the track supply?
Many thanks,
Many thanks,