Class 66 on Radius 1 curves


I am seriously thinking about making a new attempt at building a garden railway, and I would like to be able to run the Aristo Class 66 in the future. Space is a bit limited so R1 track is preferable at the moment. Is it possible to get the 66 to run on such tight curves, perhaps with a bit of a modification? I know it would not look that great but hey ho needs must at the moment. ;D

Thanks in advance for your advice.

As built the 66 will not run on R1's. How much chopping would be required I don't know and am not aware of anyone doing it.
The 66 that ran on my rails a few years back needed pretty level track.
As Alan says the 66 won`t run round R1.  It needs minimum R3. 

It`s actually more restricted than some other large Aristo diesels such as SD45, because on the 66`s bogies the motor block swivel is physically constrained by the loco frames.  You`d have to hack away at the frames so that the bogies can swing outside.  Not something I`d be willing to do with an expensive model.

Here`s my 66 sitting on R3


Thanks for the info guys, it has helped enormously. Clearly I need to be a little less ambitious at the moment, which perhaps is not a bad thing.

The photo showing the overhang of the loco body, even on R3 curves, is quite staggering really and it is something I hadn't really taken properly into consideration. Lesson learned!!!

Many thanks again.

ntpntpntp said:
As Alan says the 66 won't run round R1. It needs minimum R3.

It's actually more restricted than some other large Aristo diesels such as SD45, because on the 66's bogies the motor block swivel is physically constrained by the loco frames. You'd have to hack away at the frames so that the bogies can swing outside. Not something I'd be willing to do with an expensive model.

Here's my 66 sitting on R3

Does that picture show R1, R3, and R5?
PhilP said:
Does that picture show R1, R3, and R5?

Yes those are R1, R3, R5. They're not positioned on concentric centres (should be further apart). I set my line's minimum radius as R3, with R5 where possible.