Converting Lgb 3063 to open balcony


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So whilst browsing youtube i came across this channel and this video showing a impressive variety of modified Lgb stock

I happened to see the coaches and remembered I had some donor vehicles, ready for a project.


This first stage, is to trim through the end wall, and then decide on the railings and work on filling in under the roof

This is how far I’ve got, and a comparison with an un modified coach

Nicely done, I particularly like how you have preserved a great deal of the original LGB detail. Much of this can easily be lost on conversions.
A small update, as I’ve been making slow progress over the last few months

I’ve done lots of pondering and thinking and a little doing,

I’ve decided the following:

all remnants of the corridor connections need to be removed and the residual gaps filled
Some sort of verticals support pole is needed between the roof and balcony
Plastic u shape styrene rod will give a nice finish to the balcony

The side doors on the balcony are undecided, it’s either mini chain or make 6 doors


Another little photo update, I’ve been plodding along slowly,
Posed the coaches in some recent sunshine to decide what’s next.

I’ve ordered some 2mm rod for vertical supports between the roof and balcony end, I’m using carbon fibre rod for RC cars as it was cheaper than brass rod.

Hoping to give them a dusting of primer after that

Interesting modification Dan.

I have several of these (Austrian) coaches, which I brought because they don't have balconies like the DR versions used in Germany on lines such as the HSB aand Mollibahn. I actually prefer the corridor connections!

LGB did the 3062/3063 coaches in RhB livery, but these 850/860 mm gauge coaches would never have operated on the RhB metre gauge.

However, rule 8 allows us G scalers to run what we please....
Latest update

In the recent sunny weather the coaches have had a coat of primer, they need any final touch ups and choosing a top coat colour.

I currently can’t decide between a bright red like the rhb red or some sort of green the hardest part is finding a suitable spray can colour

Latest update

In the recent sunny weather the coaches have had a coat of primer, they need any final touch ups and choosing a top coat colour.

I currently can’t decide between a bright red like the rhb red or some sort of green the hardest part is finding a suitable spray can colour

View attachment 315778
Have you thought of using rattle cans sold for graffiti/street art, I've used molotow fine art cans successfully on plastic, after a plastic primer. They seem very similar to Halfords acrylics in composition and are available in hundreds of colours. I find them easier to use with less chance of putting too much paint on and getting runs. The super skinny nozzles are especially useful as it allows you to get close if there are nooks and crannies that are difficult to get paint into.
Latest update

In the recent sunny weather the coaches have had a coat of primer, they need any final touch ups and choosing a top coat colour.

I currently can’t decide between a bright red like the rhb red or some sort of green the hardest part is finding a suitable spray can colour

View attachment 315778
I have used Halfords Rattle cans with their red undercoat as a starter.
BMW Imola Red 11 is a slightly darker red similar to Harz locomotive and Railcar red.
Audi Laser Red a brighter very red red much like used on the Harz coaches and Swiss coaches.
For Harz two tone coaches I use the Laser Red and Rover Leyland White or Rover Arum White, either of which is creme enough to my eye.

As ever with colours it tends to be somewhat of a compromise the exact tone being tricky to match. However on the plus side if you look closely at the real thing colours tend to be different unless two of the items came out of the paint shops at the same time. Weather, dirt and even different batches of paint can have differing effects.
most recent update,
I've decided to go for 3d printed doors, simply because I don't want to make 12 identical doors, and knowing my modelling skills the doors will be far from identical.

I have had a play in Tinkercad just practising different door designs as the possibilities are endless with 3d printing.

I started up with a basic frame and can then fill the frame with my chosen design, the screenshot showed a few test ideas, and yes that is a resized thumbtack in one of the door frames.

the next stage is accurately measure the door frame, as I'm not currently with the coaches, my current thoughts are a door style similar to the LGB starter set coaches


Latest update

I’ve tried the 2 door styles in position, I’ve decided to go for the one with a single diagonal.

I’ve also redesigned the door slightly as there were initially 5mm thick, which was a bit much, so the new doors are 3mm thick.

The dots on the prints are just from the base of the printer, the other sides are smooth

Also if any wants a copy of the stl file just ask, more than happy to share
