Converting LGB Stainz Loco to DCC


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I am new to DCC. Currently converting an LGB Stainz Loco to DCC using a Massoth eMotion LS decoder, a Piko Digital Central Station, and a Massoth DiMax Navigator. All purchased from AllAboutLGB here in the U.S. I've got the engine working; forward and back controllable from the navigator. However, I cannot get the lights to work at all. I have them wired into the wiring harness provided per the users manual. Decoder and navigator both set to 14 speed steps. CV29 Bit 1 is set to 0 (CV29 set to 0006). Need help to figure out what to check or troubleshoot next. Any help appreciated.
Does your decoder just plug-in? - if not, did you set the lighting voltage divider CV to 5 or 6?

If not, you may well have popped the bulbs.

Have you tried the lighting key?
Have you tried the other function keys?

Welcome to the forum JTT, have you a name that we can use? You come to the right place for advice about almost everything. Just beware of the appalling jokes
John T. Glad to be part of the group. I certainly need the information; it will be one way for a while yet. Thanks to PhilP for the advice. My CV settings were set for the Stainz loco by Mohammed at AllAboutLGB. I note that my voltage divider CV is set to 24 (out of 32), but I think I have 18v lamps. So no damage. The key (pun intended) bit of info from PhilP was to check the lighting key. I had seen reference to the lighting key in the hard-copy manual I got with the navigator but didn't know what it meant (they are not very descriptive - no graphic pointing it out). So, I found a .pdf manual online that explains it well (and has good graphics, i.e., the 9 key (with the little lamp symbol in the lower righthand corner) is the lighting key. I pressed it and behold...Light! Thanks again. I will definitely be back.
Got the loco running well; happy with the end product. Loco runs as designed, lights work, and I even had the sound working. Pretty cool, except that now the speaker is apparently fried. Again, all the CV settings were done by AllAboutLGB; so I figure it's the speaker. It got progressively more "gravely" and, finally, quit. I've cycled the sound on/off several times and restarted the system several times as well. I guess I'm in the market for a new speaker but am not too crazy about putting the same one in, a Massoth 8241050, since it didn't seem to last very long. Any advice re: higher quality speakers that are compatible with the Massoth eMotion LS sound decoder? Specs: Ø28mm, 5mm high, 8Ω, 1 watt
Could you not fit something larger in the cab roof?

Though I think I would check the system with any spare speaker you happen to have.. - It might not be the speaker that is the problem?

Thanks for ringing in, PhilP. I just used what AllAboutLGB sent with the Massoth/Piko system. I do not have a spare speaker. Good advice to check with a spare speaker first. I, of course, am dreading a fault in the decoder... But it is a possibility. However, the way it failed just seemed to be the speaker. I'll follow up after I have a chance to troubleshoot further.
Since you are in Reno, if you need great help there is trainli (located near the airport) which does repairs. Kristine is the repair person there. NOte that they stock lots of LGB parts, and since you seem to be in Reno, no shipping costs or shipping damage!!
Thanks, Dan. I know them well; bought some bulbs from Joane yesterday. It is really convenient having Trainli nearby. If I have a problem beyond the speaker in this loco, it is in a Massoth decoder. So, I'll troubleshoot on my own for a bit longer. All is working perfectly with the loco, i.e., direction, running, lights, etc., except for the sound; and I heard the sound die. The problem is in the speaker, but the cause is unknown. So I'm not eliminating the sound part of the decoder yet.