1:22.5 & 15mm Scale Trams, , NG Steam Railways

Please bear with me on this, I'm not sure what the question is that I want to ask, so I'll try and give an idea of where I am and what I think I want.
I am perfectly familiar with DCC, I have already built 2 0 gauge layouts most DCC controlled and I am coming close to the end of a fully DCC controlled 0 gauge layout, just don't quiz me on CV's.
I am a firm believer and committed from a hardware side to using Digitrax, with no intentions of wanting to move to a new system.
I am in the process of building an indoor 1:22.5 (avoiding the reference to G as a scale) scale layout, layout design is still being finalised, but all is sufficiently advanced that baseboard assembly starts this weekend.
I will when I get around to finishing it, also gave a garden line which is being built specifically with running trams and live steam in mind. All my trams presently have 12v motors fitted because when this large scale journey started my models would either be battery or live steam powered.
That's basically where I am, the only variable has been the decision to build a large scale tramway themed layout.
So, to run DCC outdoors my thinking is to run a 2.5mm multi core BUS the length of the line and put droppers from the BUS to each individual rail, as I do with my layouts.
My Digitrax system has a setting for G Scale/LGB, I don't really want or need to fit big decoders to trams with 12v motors, but could I be setting myself up for problems if I use 0 scale decoders, if someone visited with a model that was fitted with sat and LGB compatible decoder will it work with an 0 gauge DCC track voltage, I am guessing that if I put a model with an 0 gauge decoder on a track putting out an LGB DCC voltage the decoder isn't going to be very happy and is likely to burn out, not running my models on others track is perfectly acceptable??????
If you have read this far thank you, some advice and suggestions would be appreciated please, thanks.
I am perfectly familiar with DCC, I have already built 2 0 gauge layouts most DCC controlled and I am coming close to the end of a fully DCC controlled 0 gauge layout, just don't quiz me on CV's.
I am a firm believer and committed from a hardware side to using Digitrax, with no intentions of wanting to move to a new system.
I am in the process of building an indoor 1:22.5 (avoiding the reference to G as a scale) scale layout, layout design is still being finalised, but all is sufficiently advanced that baseboard assembly starts this weekend.
I will when I get around to finishing it, also gave a garden line which is being built specifically with running trams and live steam in mind. All my trams presently have 12v motors fitted because when this large scale journey started my models would either be battery or live steam powered.
That's basically where I am, the only variable has been the decision to build a large scale tramway themed layout.
So, to run DCC outdoors my thinking is to run a 2.5mm multi core BUS the length of the line and put droppers from the BUS to each individual rail, as I do with my layouts.
My Digitrax system has a setting for G Scale/LGB, I don't really want or need to fit big decoders to trams with 12v motors, but could I be setting myself up for problems if I use 0 scale decoders, if someone visited with a model that was fitted with sat and LGB compatible decoder will it work with an 0 gauge DCC track voltage, I am guessing that if I put a model with an 0 gauge decoder on a track putting out an LGB DCC voltage the decoder isn't going to be very happy and is likely to burn out, not running my models on others track is perfectly acceptable??????
If you have read this far thank you, some advice and suggestions would be appreciated please, thanks.