DCC++ w/ Arduino Attempt


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Hi all,

Given we still have a few more weeks of the Flu lockdown. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could do some basic DCC implementation with DCC++. I already have an Arduino that I was using to tinker with animations and point control on a H0 Layout but wanted to try a larger challenge. I wanted to use this thread to track my progress as well as asking for help.

My understanding of things I need:
  • Arduino UNO ✅
  • Motor Shield
  • Powersupply
  • Decoder(s)
Looking at motor shields, I was mostly looking at the voltage and currents they were capable of handling. Is there anything else I need to consider when looking for a motor shield? Considering this one which I think is suitable

The second question was on the powersupply. I have an LGB 5006 and 5007. Am I able to simply use these as my input/supply?

Currently, none of my fleet is digital which adds an extra dimension of fun (complexity?). I figured I'd start with the eMOTION M decoder. My fleet currently consists of smaller locomotives (LGB 2015, LGB 2070, LGB 27631) so that decoder seems suitable (although basic)
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I didn't feel like bringing the translator out.... it looks like it might be a 2 amp unit. For small locos that is on the edge of ok. Larger locos you should plan for 4 or 5 amps continuous.

Based on the cost, I would get a larger one (higher amps) just so I made something that worked on everything.

5006 power supply, output 20V approx, via H Bridge will leave about 18V approx at track, just about usable for loco power, may have difficulty in powereing additional add ons and accessories, although there are ways and means to work around this.
M decoder, do a stall test on DC first, to ensure the decoder is suitable for the particular LGB model you are intending to use.

Starting point and information here, DCC++
Arduino _ Deek Robot Motor Shield.png

Further reading material,
BTS7960 IBT2 Motor Driver.png

Yet even more reading material,
L9110S Dual Motor Driver.png

Should keep you going for a while. :)
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