
ive got a new (NOS) german made WP&Y lake spirit coach
the damned thing derails-much more so than any of my many other us style coaches and other NG cars (baggage observation etc)
be it at front of consist , rear of consist, middle-3 cars or 6
both directions
trucks seem to flex properly
cant imagine its out of gauge
and thoughts???
now my track work is far from perfect , but i dont seem to have these issues with other cars-be it metal or stock LGB wheels
doesnt seem ot have anything to be related to how the coupler shanks (hooks) interact either-ie one pushing against the other in a hook to hook , or hook to loop only
the damned thing derails-much more so than any of my many other us style coaches and other NG cars (baggage observation etc)
be it at front of consist , rear of consist, middle-3 cars or 6
both directions
trucks seem to flex properly
cant imagine its out of gauge
and thoughts???
now my track work is far from perfect , but i dont seem to have these issues with other cars-be it metal or stock LGB wheels
doesnt seem ot have anything to be related to how the coupler shanks (hooks) interact either-ie one pushing against the other in a hook to hook , or hook to loop only