
Live Steam, Gardening, Golf, Grand Children and Ro
Good morning.

At about 8:00 a.m., EST, I started this test for doing a streaming video for the Diamondhead International Steamup for 2012. This test will continue till about Noon, EST. There is no audio now, however sometime later this morning, I'll add some background music - probably the Beatles.

2012 will be the third consecutive year for the video and I truly hope you enjoy it.

During the first two years, there were 14,560 hits, so it seems that there is enough interest to continue the program.

I plan to start live video from Diamondhead sometime during after noon CST on Sunday, January 14. This will be during setup.

To view the video, go to: http://www.stickam.com/thumper12225

Once on the site, toggle down to the video window which is below the photo of yours truly with an Aster PRR K4s Doubleheader. Since this is a free site, you will probably have to endure a 30 Second commercial. Please be patient.

If you have any questions, recommendations, comments, please let me know by posting them on the site, this site or the thread which will be on MyLargeScale.com. If you can't leave comments there, send me an email at Thumper12225@prodigy.net

Regards and enjoy,

Will Lindley
NMRA [Live Member as opposed to deceased and supposed to be "Life" ;))] Attributed to Phat Phingers
G1MRA - 4258
Michigan Small Scale Live Steamers
Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I've saved software settings and am now looking for a stronger battery for my computer.

If I can make it work, I'll try to record some videos of the various events. I'm thinking of display tables, working tables, the flea market and maybe dealer tables.

It's T-10 and counting.

Thanks again,
thumper said:
Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I've saved software settings and am now looking for a stronger battery for my computer.

If I can make it work, I'll try to record some videos of the various events. I'm thinking of display tables, working tables, the flea market and maybe dealer tables.

It's T-10 and counting.

Thanks again,

Will, it would be great to see what is for sale at the flea market.