Diesel and Steam Tram-Trailer cars

The trailer cars were made by removing one end from a pair LGB tram and constructing a bogie chassis to fit them on.
I didn't wreck serviceable cars though, they were bought for the purpose as non-runners.

The first picture show what I made from two yellow ones.

And this tram need a trailer. I started allready with the two red trams to make the tram above. But than I found this one very cheap on Ebay:

So I decided to use the red one for the trailer now.

Yesterday I worked again on oit and it looks now:

Today I worked especially on the boogies. Having problems with R1 S-curves. so I have to work on that.

This will be the train in future times.


Also I changed the front parts a littel bit. It will have ared back light and a orange breaking light.

Hope not to destroy your report.​

Are you having pictures how you made the boogies and how ou install them inside the car?

An other question is, are you still have the front parts with the headlights? I do have 3 trailers of that modell and would like to convert one into a power tram. We can swap it, with yellow ones, if you want.

The construction of these cars was very basic, I simply fixed bogies from a withdrawn flat wagon onto the home made chassis with a screw. The underframe was then added made from plasticard. They have now been in service for a number of years, so no spares exist from the original conversion as all have been used on other projects, including the original side advertising boards.
Car 92 goes back the furthest, having been in service with my original 'Pakefield Joint Railway' some 15 years ago and was in the then fleet colours of Chocolate and Cream with a matching Stainz locomotive
Thank you Henri, it was the fleet livery for many years. Most locomotives have been repainted since but the Stainz are still going strong and remain smart engines in Chocolate and Cream
This photo of three of them was taken five years ago