Does anyone MFG 30 inch or 24 inch gauge trains for S Gauge Track ?

Some more recent shots....


Invited myself to a local show, fitted all this in my Honda Fit/Jazz. OK, the beer crate layout is in its Sn3½ guise, but that layout is 'scale convertable', just change the buildings and loco.


A true micro, exactly 4 square feet, and the basic material is cardboard, made by DCRfan as part of a Carl Arendt Small Layout Scrapbook challenge.


My own 'signature' Gn15 layout, Haywards Estate Railway.

I've got these set up in the train shed, always ready to run, just switch on at the wall..... helpful on rainy days when I can't run the garden railway.

... and answering the original question, G scale on S gauge track. I've done that, too. Loco is sold as a Gn15 kit, and you have to supply the power truck. I happened to pick up an S gauge one. I already had an S gauge test track, so I sceniced that up, and shuttle wired it. The wagon is/was an On30 logger which I swapped out the bogies for S gauge ones from an old kit that I never finished. The Deutz was the first 3D printed kit I'd put together. After learing the 'dewarping' tricks I managed to do my first loco kit in 60 years in the hobby. Bouyed by this success, I then finally assembled my SE Simplex... two locos in two weeks!
In my recent Voi Libre I noticed some new 4wheel drive bogies available in 16.5/12/9 mm gauges that with some maths one can update the gauge to sundry track gauges or scale in real size. Gn15 of course one option but a few others as well possible. Those stated gauges make so much sense as you can get track for them in NG.