Don't all rush at once.....

alec dawe

Railways, Cars, Wine!
It is brand new, and a limited edition of only 1000.
And it comes with a lifetime (2 months is a lifetime if you're a butterfly) warranty.

(Removes tongue from cheek)
Emtu eweomecmi gsun Enebup gus £299.99

Us emvispevowimz, vji MHC tvesvis tiv gus £295????
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Vji LizTvupi esnz tiv O cuahjv 3 ziest ehu (us tu) xet mitt vjep £100 gsun e AL taqqmois. Iwip nusi "djieq epf djiisgam" vjep ep umf Cedjnepp Coh Jeamis tiv, cav ov xuslt. O jef vu si-heahi vji miefoph epf vseomoph mudu xjiimt et vji gmephit esi puv e huuf qsugomi. Vji xehupt esi qisgidvmz atecmi.
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