Even Steamier Sunday (No, Mel....)

New Haven Neil 2

Sunday dawned at zero centigrade and sunny here, and not a breath of wind. As I had a Caledonia to test I had fitted r/c to, well.....how could I resist!!

Mr GHWood's Cale warming through....

..and bringing the empty stock into Larivane Halt - Mike's scratchbuild F39 'Foxdale Coach' and two IP Engineering 'G' vans make up the train.
makes a warm fuzzy feeling.. nice
early morning sun highlights the exhaust...

..and a bit later the misty start has cleared to reveal superb lighting.
The angle of the sun at this time of year allows photos in places on the L&L that are out of bounds during summer

The quality of the light today was excellent.
I've also upgraded my Fowler to 2.4GHz r/c today, so she had to have a run....

This is the sky that was providing the light in the 'into the light' shots - what a perfect day it has been.
neil that first photo is one of the best ive ever seen-!
light, details, drivers almost fully down
just beautiful
stevedenver said:
neil that first photo is one of the best ive ever seen-!
light, details, drivers almost fully down
just beautiful
Thank you Steve - it was actually moving, it's not a posed shot. The light at this time of year is just brilliant for early morning photography - it's too harsh in summer.
Excellent photos Neil,superb engines.There was a Caledonia went for £700 tonight on Ebay,only one bid,wish I'd had the money.
Thanks Allan. Cale is a really nice model, they run really well, despite the big wheels they are very controllable, by far and away Accucraft's best yet. They are also tremendously powerful, I haven't yet found out how much mine will pull!
I think all the latest Accucraft are very good steamers,very under rated.
VERY nice pictures, Neil. Thanks for posting them!