Faulty 10340 Shuttle Unit

Andy Worsfold

G Scale Railways</br>Disney</br>The Prisoner
For the 2nd time, my shuttle unit has stopped working. I've checked all connections and rewired the cables to each end of the tracks. Power is going to the isolated sections but it is not stopping the trains or changing the polarity.

Firstly does anyone have any ideas whats gone wrong and secondly, who can fix this? (I have emailed Massoth and await a reply)

Many Thanks

I had a similar problem with my 10340 two years ago. I did all of the same things you did without sucess. I had a spare unit and swapped it with the non-functioning one. Last year I set up another point to point track, and used the original 10340. It worked perfectly. I don't know why. Perhaps it has something to do with the electronics. I'm going to post this question on MyLargeScale.com. Greg Elmassian seems to be the electronic guru there. Perhaps he can enlighten us.
Check you have got the diodes the right way round.
G Scale works the opposite way round to OO and HO so if the loco carries on when it should stop at the end of the track swap the diode round.
Have you got an avo, or meter? If so check the reed switches, and the diodes, also check the relay(s) If the loco carry magnets underneath, see if one of the magnets has dropped off.
I think themole was referring to the diodes across the track gaps.
I have two 10340 units and then used the Aristocraft units and now the ABC units from the guy on ebay (they handle up to 5amps, the previous units only going to about 1 amp. I did have problems after extensive running times with both the LGB and The Aristocraft which were exactly the same as the symptoms described earlier. No function after about 3 hours but everything fine on the layout when the reverse units were bypassed. An hour later everything fine again with the units switched in. The only thing that I could come up with was the capacitor on the boards was playing up and for some reason not letting the reversing function progress. After the capacitior discharged everything was back to normal. This problem only occured after running for about 3 hours. The 5 amp reverse units have not displayed any problems.......so far.....oh no there I go, tempting providence again.................
Thanks for your ideas and input guys. It seems that there are multiple issues with these units. As if by magic when I tried the shuttle line tonight it worked perfectly??

I'm bemused but happy that I am running trains again......time to get the Steeple Cab out!

SWMBO started making suggestions as to railway extensions.........Blimey I feel faint!
I'm glad to hear that you are up and running again. I think these things have their own minds. No one on MLS replied to your question that I posted there. I'm embarrassed. But no need for their input right now.