Figures for my Stirling Single

Jerry Barnes

Garden Railways, Live Steam, Jukeboxes, Record Col
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Robb Bennett made me a couple of figures for my Stirling Single that I made out of a Bachmann Emily. I thought they would look good in it and appealed to my quircky sense of humor.


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Splendid - Rob's figures are brilliant and really add character :)
See you got them at last, its a long walk from Shropshire, still can't decide which one is supposed to look like you? but they do add character.
On the Catalan G Scale forum to which I subscribe, they have a thread in which members post pics of Playmobil characters which have been customised as themselves - maybe if you ever get a Rob B 'mini-me', you can start such a thread here ;D
That is a brilliant and most enviable model.
Just one thing would complete it for me - have you considered a fall-plate between the loco and tender? With a curved front it could just fill the void. ;)
That looks just the job.
I have seen some miniature piano hinges somewhere online which with an extra plate rivetted or glued to extend it might be suitable.