first generation shay, firebox flicker gone, help?


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I have the first release of the Bachmann 38 ton shay.
Since i replaced the disastrous original trucks (broken gears, brittle plastic) with the metal, its one of my more favored locos.

This loco has a lighting circuit in which, if more than about 12v was applied , the cab light would dim. as I think would the firebox flicker. I I think, the dimming was either over load, or, hopefully, overload protection.:(

To keep it short, my lower firebox no longer flickers (the lights that shine down under the loco). The cab firebox lighting and roof light, as front and rear headlight and smoke unit all still work. All, I believe, bit for headlamps, are LED.
The loco is dead stock (analog, non sound).

I haven't messed with it, other than the truck replacement, decades back.
No , I cant pin point when the lights went bad. I imagine it was some time when I was loving watching the smoke gush out at probably the time, it didn't occur to me I may have been damaging the relevant firebox lighting.

is this something gone out on the board (which I have no hope of tracing) or, something which I might be able to otherwise repair? Reset?
thanks, certainly is about what I can handle electronically.